Disclaimer: The TomorrowNow project is currently in an experimental phase and therefore breaking changes and project restructuring will occur without notice. We recommend waiting until the first stable version is released before considering using the project in any form.
Docker compose containers and client port bindings. Currently we are comparing different cloud optimaized geotiff (cog) servers so that is why there are so many at the moment.
Service | Description | Port |
api | Django 4.2.1 | 8005 |
actinia | Actinia 4.1.0 | 8088 |
webapp | React | 3000 |
db | Postgresql + PostGIS | 5431 |
actinia-redis | redis | 6379 |
django-redis-cache | redis | 6370 |
celery_worker | celery | NA |
titiler | titiler | 7000 |
geoserver | geoserver | 8600 |
Update the settings file
- actinia/.sample.actinia.env -> .actinia.env
- actinia/sample.actinia.cfg -> actinia.cfg
- api/.sample.env -> .env
- geoserver/.sample.env -> .env
- Setup docker-compose-dev-local.yml
- Fix GCP in actinia/Dockerfile
- Run django migrations
- Auto create actinia postgres db and role
docker compose up
docker compose down
Run inside of web container
docker compose run api python manage.py startapp <appname>
Creates or updates models and store changes as a migration
# Create migrations
docker compose run api python manage.py makemigrations <appname>
# Apply changes to database
docker compose run api python manage.py migrate
docker compose run api python manage.py collectstatic
docker compose run api python manage.py show_urls
docker compose run api python manage.py shell
docker compose run api python manage.py shell_plus --notebook
from savana.utils import actinia
docker compose run api python manage.py test <appname>
docker compose run webapp npm install