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Adrien Castex edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Here is a non-exhaustive list of features :

Name Short description Related link(s)
PhysicalFile Represents a physical file (on the hard drive, for instance). Resources
PhysicalFolder Represents a physical folder (on the hard drive, for instance). Doesn't update its children on its own ; to do so take a look at the PhysicalGateway. Resources
PhysicalGateway Represents a gateway to a physical folder to provide the list of sub-resources on the fly with a lazy behaviour. Resources Gateway
PhysicalFSManager Represents the file system manager for physical resource. [[File System Managers
PhysicalGFSManager Represents the file system manager for the PhysicalGateway. [[File System Managers
VirtualFile Represents a virtual file with its content stored in the memory. It is suitable for small files, not large files. Resources
VirtualFolder Represents a virtual folder, managing virtual resources. Resources
VirtualFSManager Represents the file system manager for the virtual resources VirtualFile and VirtualFolder. [[File System Managers
VirtualStoredFile Represents a virtual file which has a content managed by the VirtualStoredFSManager. It is suitable for large files. Resources
VirtualStoredFolder Represents a virtual folder. Might be deprecated in the future because it is very similar to the VirtualFolder. Resources
VirtualStoredFSManager Manage the content of the VirtualStoredFile instances. It can store the contents in a file, in database, in a remote server, etc... Encrypting/compressing/transforming it on the fly if implemented. [[File System Managers
RootResource Represents the root resource, which cannot be moved. It is a default implementation. Resources
IUser Represents a user. User management and privileges
SimpleUser Implements a simple way the IUser. User management and privileges
IUserManager Represents a user manager, allowing to get a default user or a list of users when the server needs them. Implementations inheriting this interface can get users from a database or a file, for instance. User management and privileges
SimpleUserManager Implements a simple way the IUserManager. User management and privileges
HTTPAuthentication Represents a HTTP authentication system. It intend to get the authentication information from the headers and provide headers to allow the user to authenticate. Authentication system
HTTPBasicAuthentication Implements the Basic HTTP authentication. Authentication system
HTTPDigestAuthentication Implements the Digest HTTP authentication. Authentication system
IPrivilegeManager Represents a full range of privileges methods called by the server to determine if a user can do some operations or not. User management and privileges
SimplePrivilegeManager Represents a lighter privilege manager. It groups privileges to ease the creation of custom privilege managers. User management and privileges
FakePrivilegeManager Represents a full-privilege manager, leading to say "authorized" everytime except when a resource is locked by another user. User management and privileges
SimplePathPrivilegeManager Represents a simple way to manager user privileges based on the path of resources. User management and privileges
ResourceTester Represents a way to test a large portion of a custom resource. Custom resources
Serialization Allow to un/serialize the state of the server in order to keep information through different instances. (= Save the server state / Load the server state) Persistence
Translating (Source/Translate headers) Allow to tell a resource to give information or content of its source content or computed content. This is selectable thanks to the Source and Translate HTTP headers. WebDAV headers and body
JSON/XML support Allow to provide or retrieve the information in XML, but in JSON too. This is selectable thanks to the Accept HTTP header. WebDAV headers and body
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