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landmap package for R

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Package provides methodology for automated mapping i.e. spatial interpolation and/or prediction using Ensemble Machine Learning (extends functionality of the mlr package). Key functionality includes:

  • train.spLearner --- train a spatial prediction and/or interpolation model using Ensemble Machine Learning (works with numeric, binomial and factor-type variables),
  • buffer.dist --- derive buffer (geographical) distances that can be used as covariates in spLearner,
  • spc --- derive Principal Components using stack of spatial layers,
  • tile --- tile spatial layers so they can be used to run processing in parallel,
  • spsample.prob --- determine inclusion probability / representation of a given point sample based on feature space analysis (maxlike function) and kernel density analysis,
  • download.landgis --- access and download LandGIS layers from,

Warning: most of functions are optimized to run in parallel by default. This might result in high RAM and CPU usage.

Spatial prediction using Ensemble Machine Learning with geographical distances is explained in detail in:

Use of geographical distances as features in machine learning is exaplained in detail in:


Install development versions from github:


Under construction. Use for testing purposes only.


Automated mapping using Ensemble Machine Learning

The following examples demostrates spatial prediction using the meuse data set:

ls <- c("rgdal", "raster", "plotKML", "geoR", "ranger", "mlr", 
        "xgboost", "glmnet", "matrixStats", "kernlab", "deepnet")
new.packages <- ls[!(ls %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)
demo(meuse, echo=FALSE)
m <- train.spLearner(meuse["lead"], covariates=meuse.grid[,c("dist","ffreq")], lambda = 1)

this runs several steps:

Converting ffreq to indicators...
Converting covariates to principal components...
Deriving oblique coordinates...TRUE
Fitting a variogram using 'linkfit' and trend model...TRUE
Estimating block size ID for spatial Cross Validation...TRUE
Starting parallelization in mode=socket with cpus=32.
Using learners: regr.ranger, regr.ksvm, regr.nnet, regr.cvglmnet...TRUE
Fitting a spatial learner using 'mlr::makeRegrTask'...TRUE
Exporting objects to slaves for mode socket: .mlr.slave.options
Mapping in parallel: mode = socket; cpus = 32; elements = 5.
Exporting objects to slaves for mode socket: .mlr.slave.options
Mapping in parallel: mode = socket; cpus = 32; elements = 5.
Exporting objects to slaves for mode socket: .mlr.slave.options
Mapping in parallel: mode = socket; cpus = 32; elements = 5.
# weights:  103
initial  value 5568925.436252 
final  value 1908391.767742 
Exporting objects to slaves for mode socket: .mlr.slave.options
Mapping in parallel: mode = socket; cpus = 32; elements = 5.
Stopped parallelization. All cleaned up.

The variogram model is only fitted to estimate effective range of spatial dependence. Spatial Prediction models are based only on fitting the Ensemble Machine Learning (by default landmap uses c("regr.ranger", "regr.ksvm", "regr.nnet", "regr.cvglmnet"); see a complete list of learners available via mlr) with oblique coordinates (rotated coordinates) as described in Moller et al. (2019) "Oblique Coordinates as Covariates for Digital Soil Mapping" to account for spatial autocorrelation in values. In the landmap packagte, geographical distances to ALL points can be added by specifying buffer.dist=TRUE; this is however not recommended for large point data sets. The meta-learning i.e. the SuperLearner model shows which individual learners are most important:

stats::lm(formula = f, data = d)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-167.54  -33.91   -4.76   15.60  319.19 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)   
(Intercept)   831.30070  296.21487   2.806  0.00568 **
regr.ranger     0.61053    0.21394   2.854  0.00493 **
regr.ksvm       0.57527    0.26730   2.152  0.03299 * 
regr.nnet      -5.49366    1.95907  -2.804  0.00571 **
regr.cvglmnet  -0.04499    0.24123  -0.186  0.85232   
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 73.79 on 150 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.572,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.5606 
F-statistic: 50.12 on 4 and 150 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16```

in this case regr.ranger seems to be most important for predicting lead concentration (highest absolute t value), while regr.cvglmnet is the least important. Overall, this ensemble model explains ca 57% of variance (based on repeated cross-validation).

Next we can generate predictions using:

meuse.lead <- predict(m)

Note that, based on the current set-up with method = "", every time you re-run the model training you might get somewhat different models / different betas. On the other hand, the final ensemble predictions (map) should visually not differ too much (see below).

Figure: Predicted lead content for the Meuse data set. Model error is derived as weighted standard deviation from multiple model predictions.

Animated predictions by 9 models (3x independently fitted random forest, SVM and Xgboost) looks like this (the coefficients are beta coefficients from the metalearner fit: the higher the coefficient, more important the model for the ensemble merge):

Figure: examples of independently generated predictions.

The predictions shown in the image above incorporate spatial correlation between values, and hence can be used as a possible replacement for kriging methods (Hengl et al. 2018). Automation comes, however, at the high computing and RAM usage costs.

In the following example we use somewhat larger data set from the SIC1997 exercise.

X <- sic1997$swiss1km[c("CHELSA_rainfall","DEM")]
mR <- train.spLearner(sic1997$daily.rainfall, covariates=X, lambda=1)
rainfall1km <- predict(mR)

The processing is now much more computational because the data set consists from 467 points (hence 467 buffer distance maps need to be produced). This will make the regression matrix becoming extensive, and also 5x3 models need to be fitted. At the moment, using train.spLearner for point data set with >>1000 points should be done with caution.

The final results also shows quite similar results to universal kriging in geoR. The model error map above, however, shows more spatial contrast and helps detect areas of especially high errors.

Figure: Predicted daily rainfall for the SIC1997 data set.

The same function can also be used to interpolate factor-type variables:

gridded(eberg_grid) <- ~x+y
proj4string(eberg_grid) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31467")
coordinates(eberg) <- ~X+Y
proj4string(eberg) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31467")
X <- eberg_grid[c("PRMGEO6","DEMSRT6","TWISRT6","TIRAST6")]
mF <- train.spLearner(eberg["TAXGRSC"], covariates=X)
TAXGRSC <- predict(mF)
plot(stack(TAXGRSC$pred[grep("prob.", names(TAXGRSC$pred))]), 
     col=SAGA_pal[["SG_COLORS_YELLOW_RED"]], zlim=c(0,1))

Figure: Predicted Ebergotzen soil types (probabilities).

Note that in the case of factor variables, prediction are based on ensemble stacking based on the following three classification algorithms c("regr.ranger", "regr.xgboost", "regr.nnet"). See mlr documentation on how to add additional learners.

In summary: package mlr provides a comprehensive environment for Machine Learning:

  • Ensemble predictions are based on the mlr::makeStackedLearner function,
  • Additional learners can be added,
  • Processing can be parallelized using the parallelMap package,

Ensemble Machine Learning is also available via the subsemble and the SuperLearner packages (not used here).

Accessing LandGIS layers

Landmap package also provides functionality to access and download LandGIS layers from Recommend process is to first search the coverage ID names and file names e.g.:

search.landgis(pattern=c("clay", "10..10cm"))

This shows that a clay map at 10 cm depth of the world is available via:


[1] "" 
[2] ""

Web Coverage Service functionality and API are explained in detail here. Next we can download only clay map for Switzerland using the Web Coverage Service functionality of LandGIS:

coverageId = "predicted250m:sol_clay.wfraction_usda.3a1a1a_m_250m_b10..10cm_1950..2017_v0.2"
swiss1km.ll <- raster::projectRaster(raster(sic1997$swiss1km[2]), crs = "+init=epsg:4326", res=c(1/120, 1/120))
s1 = paste0("Lat(", swiss1km.ll@extent@ymin, ",", swiss1km.ll@extent@ymax,")")
s2 = paste0("Long(", swiss1km.ll@extent@xmin, ",", swiss1km.ll@extent@xmax,")")
sf = (1/480)/(1/120)
download.landgis(coverageId, filename = "clay_ch1km.tif", subset = c(s1,s2), scalefactor = sf)
swiss1km.ll1km <- as(swiss1km.ll, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
swiss1km.ll1km$clay_10..10cm <- readGDAL("clay_ch1km.tif")$band1
swiss1km.ll1km$clay_10..10cm <- ifelse($DEM), NA, swiss1km.ll1km$clay_10..10cm)

Figure: Clay content map for Switzerland.

This takes few steps because you have to determine:

  • bounding box,
  • scaling factor,
  • mask out pixels of interest,

For smaller areas (<500Mb in size) download of data using WCS is fast and efficient. For accessing and using global layers larger than 1GB we recommend directly downloading data from


  • Contributions to landmap are welcome. Issues and pull requests are the preferred ways of sharing them.
  • We are interested in your results and experiences with using the train.spLearner function for generating spatial predictions with your own data. Share your data sets, code and results either using github issues and/or R-sig-geo mailing list.


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