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Sprint 4

Joost van Ulden edited this page Feb 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

Due by February 20, 2020

Sprint Goals:

  • GeoViewer i18n architecture & strategy (Ali)
  • Understand the extent to which we need to translate interface components (Ali)
  • Implement generic dsra/psra indicator psql scripts for text wrap/fill (Will)
  • Implement (investigate!!) Inspire Natural Risk Zones / Building schemas (Will)
  • Investigate cf_db schema (will)
  • Implement automation from PostGres to Geopackage using QConsolidate (Drew)
  • Add some error handling to PSRA, DSRA scripts (Drew)


  • Demo error handling (Drew)
  • Example translations in GeoViewer (Ali)
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