This repository contains an Elixir API library for the OpenAperture Manager.
To contribute to OpenAperture development, view our contributing guide
Add the following to your mix.exs dependencies:
defp deps do
{:openaperture_manager_api, "~> 0.0.1"},
This API library can be consumed either as an application (which can be supervised), or on a per-instance basis.
To use an application, add the :openaperture_manager_api to your mix file, and specify the following configuration:
# Configuration for the OTP application
# Type `mix help` for more information
def application do
mod: {MyApp, []},
applications: [:openaperture_manager_api]
- Manager URL
- Type: String
- Description: The url of the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :manager_url
- OAuth Login URL
- Type: String
- Description: The login url of the OAuth2 server
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_login_url
- OAuth Client ID
- Type: String
- Description: The OAuth2 client id to be used for authenticating with the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_client_id
- OAuth Client Secret
- Type: String
- Description: The OAuth2 client secret to be used for authenticating with the OpenAperture Manager
- Environment Configuration (.exs): :openaperture_manager_api, :oauth_client_secret
When using as an application, you do not need to create or specify the API Agent (it will be populated for you).
To use on a per-instance basis, simply create an ManagerApi process and pass it to the API modules.
api = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.create!(%{manager_url: "", oauth_login_url: "", oauth_client_id: "id", oauth_client_secret: "secret"})
The following API modules are available:
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker
- This module is used to interact with the MessagingBroker resource (/messaging/brokers) and MessagingBrokerConnection resource (/messaging/brokers/:id/connections).
- Get All Brokers
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing MessagingBrokers
brokers = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.list!(api)
- Get Broker
- get_broker - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_broker! - returns a Map, representing MessagingBroker
broker = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.get_broker!(api)
- Create a Broker
- create_broker - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_broker! - returns an identifier of the new broker
broker_id = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.create_broker!(api, %{})
- Update a Broker
- update_broker - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- update_broker! - returns an identifier of the updated broker
broker_id = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.update_broker!(api, 1, %{})
- Delete a Broker
- delete_broker - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_broker! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.delete_broker!(api, 1)
- Create a BrokerConnection
- create_broker_connection - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_broker_connection! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.create_broker_connection!(api, 1, %{})
- Get BrokerConnections
- broker_connections - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- broker_connections! - returns a List of Maps, representing broker connections
connections = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.broker_connections!(api, 1)
- Delete BrokerConnections
- delete_broker_connections - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_broker_connections! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingBroker.delete_broker_connections!(api, 1)
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange
- This module is used to interact with the MessagingExchange resource (/messaging/exchanges) and MessagingExchangeBrokers resource (/messaging/exchanges/:id/exchanges).
- Get All Exchanges
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing MessagingExchanges
exchanges = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.list!(api)
- Get Exchange
- get_exchange - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_exchange! - returns a Map, representing MessagingExchange
exchange = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.get_exchange!(api)
- Create an Exchange
- create_exchange - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_exchange! - returns an identifier of the new exchange
exchange_id = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.create_exchange!(api, %{})
- Update an Exchange
- update_exchange - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- update_exchange! - returns an identifier of the updated exchange
exchange_id = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.update_exchange!(api, 1, %{})
- Delete an Exchange
- delete_exchange - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_exchange! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.delete_exchange!(api, 1)
- Create an ExchangeBroker
- create_exchange_brokers - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_exchange_brokers! - returns boolean
exchange = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.create_exchange_brokers!(api, 1, %{})
- Get ExchangeBrokers
- exchange_brokers - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- exchange_brokers! - returns a List of Maps, representing exchange brokers
brokers = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.broker_connections!(api, 1)
- Delete ExchangeBrokers
- delete_exchange_brokers - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_exchange_brokers! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.delete_exchange_brokers!(api, 1)
- Get EtcdClusters associated with the MessagingExchange
- exchange_clusters - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- exchange_clusters! - returns a List of Maps, representing etcd clusters
clusters = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchange.exchange_clusters!(api, 1)
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchangeModule
- This module is used to interact with the MessagingExchangeModule resource (/messaging/exchanges/:id/modules) resource.
- Get All Modules
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing MessagingExchangeModules
modules = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchangeModule.list!(api, 1, "123abc")
- Get Module
- get_module - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_module! - returns a Map, representing MessagingExchangeModule
module = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchangeModule.get_module!(api, 1, "123abc")
- Create an Module
- create_module - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_module! - returns an identifier of the new module
module_id = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchangeModule.create_module!(api, 1, "123abc", %{})
- Delete an Module
- delete_module - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_module! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.MessagingExchangeModule.delete_module!(api, 1, "123abc")
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster
- This module is used to interact with the EtcdCluster resource (/clusters).
- Get All Clusters
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing EtcdClusters
clusters = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.list!(api)
- Get Cluster
- get_cluster - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster! - returns a Map, representing EtcdCluster
cluster = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster!(api)
- Create a Cluster
- create_cluster - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_cluster! - returns the etcd_token of the new cluster
token = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.create_cluster!(api, %{})
- Delete a Cluster
- delete_cluster - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_cluster! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.delete_cluster!(api, 1)
- Get Cluster Products
- get_cluster_products - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster_products! - returns a List of Maps, each representing a product
products = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster_products!(api)
- Get Cluster Machines
- get_cluster_machines - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster_machines! - returns a List of Maps, each representing a machine
machines = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster_machines!(api)
- Get Cluster Units
- get_cluster_units - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster_units! - returns a List of Maps, each representing a unit
units = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster_units!(api)
- Get Cluster Units State
- get_cluster_units - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster_units! - returns a List of Maps, each representing a unit state
states = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster_units!(api)
- Get Cluster Unit Log
- get_cluster_unit_log - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_cluster_unit_log! - returns the text of the log
contents = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.EtcdCluster.get_cluster_unit_log!(api, "123abc", 1, "testUnit")
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow
- This module is used to interact with the Workflow resource (/workflows).
- Get All Workflows
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing Workflow
workflows = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow.list!(api)
- Get Workflow
- get_workflow - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_workflow! - returns a Map, representing Workflow
workflow = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow.get_workflow!(api)
- Create a Workflow
- create_workflow - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_workflow! - returns the etcd_token of the new Workflow
token = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow.create_workflow!(api, %{})
- Update a Workflow
- update_workflow - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- update_workflow! - returns an identifier of the updated Workflow
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow.delete_workflow!(api, 1)
- Delete a Workflow
- delete_workflow - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_workflow! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Workflow.delete_workflow!(api, 1)
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent
- This module is used to interact with the SytemComponent resource (/system_components).
- Get All SytemComponents
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing SytemComponent
system_components = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent.list!(api)
- Get SytemComponent
- get_system_component - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_system_component! - returns a Map, representing SytemComponent
system_component = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent.get_system_component!(api)
- Create a SytemComponent
- create_system_component - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_system_component! - returns the etcd_token of the new SytemComponent
token = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent.create_system_component!(api, %{})
- Update a SystemComponent
- update_system_component - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- update_system_component! - returns an identifier of the updated SytemComponent
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent.delete_system_component!(api, 1)
- Delete a SytemComponent
- delete_system_component - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_system_component! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponent.delete_system_component!(api, 1)
- OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef
- This module is used to interact with the SytemComponentRef resource (/system_component_refs).
- Get All SytemComponentRefs
- list - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- list! - returns a list of Maps, representing SytemComponentRef
system_components = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef.list!(api)
- Get SytemComponentRef
- get_system_component_ref - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- get_system_component_ref! - returns a Map, representing SytemComponentRef
system_component = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef.get_system_component_ref!(api)
- Create a SytemComponentRef
- create_system_component_ref - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- create_system_component_ref! - returns the etcd_token of the new SytemComponentRef
token = OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef.create_system_component!(api, %{})
- Update a SystemComponent
- update_system_component_ref - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- update_system_component_ref! - returns an identifier of the updated SytemComponentRef
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef.delete_system_component_ref!(api, 1)
- Delete a SytemComponentRef
- delete_system_component - returns a OpenAperture.ManagerApi.Response
- delete_system_component! - returns a boolean
OpenAperture.ManagerApi.SytemComponentRef.delete_system_component_ref!(api, 1)
To build:
mix do deps.get, compile
To Run in iex:
iex -S mix run mix.exs
To Test:
mix test test/
or (integration tests)
mix test test/ --include external