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dirkpieper edited this page Feb 13, 2020 · 5 revisions

Minimal requirements

  • The data contains an academic institution's expenditures on a per-article basis for publishing in fee-based Wiley journals under the DEAL Wiley agreement
  • The data should be made available in a machine-readable, platform independent format (CSV).
  • The data is provided under an Open Data Commons license to ensure public access and reusability.
  • A contact person is designated at the contributing institution.

Data set

In comparison to APCs in OA and hybrid journals, there are no established reporting routines for costs incurred for articles in transformation contracts. OpenAPC has already created an additional data set (visualisation) for data from transformation agreements as part of the INTACT project, but only a few data reported by the FWF contain cost information to date. In the course of the current funding phase by the BMBF, OpenAPC intends to report articles from transformation contracts with cost information per article and participating institution from 2020 onwards. This is in line with current recommendations (Expert Group to the European Commission, European University Association, Coalition S / Plan S), which stress the need for cost transparency in transformation agreements as well. In addition, cost data are relevant for the transformation of acquisition budgets and the development of cost distribution models at local and national level. With the DEAL Wiley deal, a nationwide transformation contract is available in Germany for the first time.

The data set for transformation agreements is compiled from the distributed tables of the contributing institutions, since MPDL Services GmbH does not yet want to support the institutions participating in DEAL with a central data delivery. In order to make the data comparable, the publisher and journal titles will be added using automatic enrichment procedures (CrossRef). By further enriching the records with information e.g. from the disciplinary repository Europe PubMed Central or DOAJ, additional fields are automatically filled in.

As discussed at the Open Access Days 2019, the data from the DEAL Wiley hybrid journals will be recorded in the data set for transformative agreements, the data for DEAL Wiley Open Access journals in the original OpenAPC data set. This takes into account the fact that APCs and PAR fees are different. The connecting element, however, is that they each represent (average) costs per article.

For visibility and re-use purposes, the data set is made available via GitHub. In addition, the institutionally reported cost data for DEAL Wiley OA journals and DEAL Wiley hybrid journals are visualized together in a special treemap.

Data schema

Every schema field is represented by a table column and every article conforms to a single table row.

The OpenAPC data schema is described here. This contribution from Leipzig University is an example of a table which conforms to the schema.

Mandatory fields

The data schema for articles from transformation agreements corresponds to the well-known OpenAPC data schema. Each variable (mandatory fields and optional fields) forms a column, and one row is used per article.These variables must be present in every contribution:

institution — Top-level organisation which covered the fee

period — Year of APC payment

euro — The final amount that was paid in Euro. See below for details on how to calculate this number.

doi — Digital Object Identifier

is_hybrid — Should be TRUE if the article was published in a subscription-based Journal ('hybrid journal'), FALSE if the journal was fully Open Access.

Optional fields

We assume that there will be no articles without a DOI in transformation agreements, so no additional data need be provided.

Composition of the costs reported under the DEAL Wiley transformation agreement

In order to minimize the reporting volume, the data for articles in Wiley OA journals can be transferred to OpenAPC in a csv file or table or via GitHub at the usual times with the data from the Open Access publication funds. To ensure comparability, the amount reported in the field euro should also be composed according to the current OpenAPC rules for articles in Wiley-OA journals (gross amount for the article, no possible additional cost items, no 'free articles').

The actual cost per article in Wiley hybrid journals (PAR fees) is calculated by the participating institutions. For this purpose, the prepayment amount based on the subscription expenditure is divided by the number of articles in Wiley hybrid journals as shown by MPDL Services GmbH in the corresponding comparative calculation to calculate the average cost per article in Wiley Hybrid Journals (e.g. sum of prepayment per year / number of articles in Wiley Hybrid Journals with acceptance date in this year). This information can also be transferred to OpenAPC together with the above data in a csv file or table or via GitHub. For data in DEAL Wiley Hybrid journals, the field is_hybrid must be set to TRUE so that this data is then automatically written to the data set for transformation contracts.

The year 2019 represents a special situation in that the advance payment for DEAL participation was based on the subscription expenditures for the entire year, but the possibility of publishing in Wiley hybrid journals was only possible from the second half of 2019. In accordance with Appendix E of the DEAL-Wiley contract, which provides for the payment of an interim read fee for the first half of 2019, and in order to ensure the comparability of the calculated average costs per article with the subsequent years 2020 and 2021, the participating institutions will report the total prepayment amount for 2019, but this will be halved centrally by OpenAPC for the presentation of the average article costs in 2019.

Due to the different ratio of subscription expenditure to publication figures for each institution, different average costs per article in the data set for transformation contracts become transparent, thus creating the data basis for the discussion of cost distribution models at local and national level.

If at a later date an institution participating in DEAL Wiley makes voluntary additional payments to MPDL Services GmbH or MPDL Services GmbH arranges refunds at a later date, the average costs per article in Wiley hybrid magazines can be corrected subsequently.

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