An object tracker surface robot project. It uses 2 Arduinos (One is possible with some modifications) and a single board computer (in this case it is Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu Mate + ROS Kinetic).
The robot has only one motor in the front and it is controlled by a servo.
roslaunch <name of your package> pakize.launch
Video: It can be controlled by a ROS keyboard, in addition to object detection.
To have a better tuning with your camera, you have to change rL,rH,oL,oH values in the trackobj.cpp.
- std_msgs
- geometry_msgs
- rosserial
- uvc_camera
- find_object_2d
You need to have:
- Robot Operating System (Kinetic or Melodic) installed in your Single Board Computer
- Arduino library for your own motor controller (in the project it is DualVNH5019MotorShield.h)
In order to make changes for object detection system, deleting find_object_2d package from pakize.launch file and running it from terminal is highly recommended.