Nutrimeter is a one stop solution for all health related information and to track your daily calories so It helps you to focus on your nutrition as a whole. it's a dynamic and responsive, full stack website built with react js, mongodb, express and nodejs.
Hi, we as a team of 5 members studied from Masai School, learning full stack development and this project was built by us in cunstruct week to put all the skills in practice. All team members name:
- Aman deep
- Ghanisht khurana
- Harsh Upadhayay
- Madhavi-Teegireddy
- Shrikant Jawla
Signup page:-> it contain sign up fuctionality done with nodeJs and stored data in mongo db.
Login page:-> it contain Login fuctionality done with nodeJs and stored data in mongo db.
It is the heart of Nutrimeter where user can track his daywise calores by creating custom nutritious diet:
Has more than 5,000 products to be added in day wise diet to manage weight:
amount of Carb, protein, and fat will be displayed at the time of adding product in diet bucket
Added product in daily diet bucket:
Graphical analysis of total daily calories added in bucket
total calories consumed and rquired for that day with other macro nutrients present in diet:
Some micro and macro nutrients presents in whole diet for that particular day.
Sepration of data from seprate users--->
Client: React, Styled-Components and Chakra-UI for Styles
Server: NodeJS, Express, Mongo-DB for database
Token based authentication.
Each user has seprate data connected to his/her profile.
Total amount of calories will saved day wise and displayed in graphical format.
Displayed macro and micro nutrients composition.
Complete Rest-API for authentication, login, signup functionality and rest other things.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]