ParticleChromo3D+: a Web Server for ParticleChromo3D Algorithm for 3D Chromosome Structure Reconstruction
Access on:
OluwadareLab, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
David Vadnais
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Email: [email protected]
Oluwatosin Oluwadare, PhD
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Email: [email protected]
- configs: Python Dependencies
- exampleIfs: Synthetic and Real Hi-C datasets examples.
- flask: Source Code and utility's used.
- help: Example scripts to help a user get started with our webserver.
- results: Output structures generated for all the experiments performed.
- website: front end code
The GM12878 cell Hi-C dataset, GEO Accession number GSE63525, was downloaded from GSDB with GSDB ID: OO7429SF
Square Matrix Input format: The square matrix is a tab seperated N by N intra-chromosomal contact matrix derived from Hi-C data, where N is the number of regions of a chromosome.
Or convert using the convert endpoint after uploading the Sparse Matrix as a TSV (three-column) file format.
See config/requirements.txt
- Download latest image
- Load the image with
docker image load -i particlechromo3d_image.tar.gz
- Run the container with
docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 8080:8080 -e SERVICE_EMAIL=${YOUR_SVC_EMAIL} -e HOSTNAME_BE=${YOUR_URL} -e SERVICE_EMAIL_KEY=${KEY} particlechromo3d:latest
In the base folder build the image with docker build -t particlechromo3d:latest .
Then run the container with docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 8080:8080 -e SERVICE_EMAIL=${YOUR_SVC_EMAIL} -e HOSTNAME_BE=${YOUR_URL} -e SERVICE_EMAIL_KEY=${KEY} particlechromo3d:latest
Volumes (Persisting Data)
Working with volumes:
docker volume create ${VOLUME_NAME}
docker volume inspect ${VOLUME_NAME}
docker volume ls
docker volume rm ${VOLUME_NAME}
docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 8080:8080 -e SERVICE_EMAIL=${YOUR_SVC_EMAIL} -e HOSTNAME_BE=${YOUR_URL} -e SERVICE_EMAIL_KEY=${KEY} particlechromo3d:latest
In lieu of using docker flask/ can be run directly through:
python ${INPUT_MATRIX}
Use python --help
to find out more about the run options.
Vadnais, David, and Oluwatosin Oluwadare. "ParticleChromo3D+: A Web Server for ParticleChromo3D Algorithm for 3D Chromosome Structure Reconstruction." Current Issues in Molecular Biology 45.3 (2023): 2549-2560.
Vadnais, D., Middleton, M. & Oluwadare, O. ParticleChromo3D: a Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm for chromosome 3D structure prediction from Hi-C data. BioData Mining 15, 19 (2022).