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SE2Dev edited this page Sep 26, 2016 · 1 revision

Note - The term 'legacy mods' refers to any of the early Black Ops mods in which game files are replaced. It does not refer to World at War mods, which are completely incompatible with Black Ops.


  1. Install the mod into its own folder in Call of Duty Black Ops/mods/
  2. Go to the directory for mod that you just installed and check to see if the following directories exist:
    • /main
    • /zone
  3. If there is a /main directory in the mod, copy all files from /main to the mod's root folder
  4. If there is a /zone/Common directory in the mod, copy all files from /zone/Common to the mod's root folder
  5. Add the suffix _override to any fastfiles that are now in the mod's folder (and delete the, now empty, /zone and /main directories) alt text


Adding a description to the mod

  1. Navigate to the root of the mod's folder
  2. Create a file called description.txt
  3. Enter the desired description into the description.txt file, and save the file. The result should look like this: alt text
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