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Data Visualization plugins for jQuery using d3.js, contains several jQuery plugins that can be used to visualize data.









Make sure you have npm installed, go to NoterikDataVisualization root directory and run:

npm install

After that run:


In NoterikDataVisualization root directory.


For devel environment you can use:

//Each visualization type separately
<script src="src/jquery.ntkPieChart.js">


//Concatenated non-mimimized/uglified file containing all plugins
<script src="src/noterik-data-visualizations-<VERSION>.concat.js">

For production environments use:

<script src="dist/noterik-data-visualizations-<VERSION>.min.js">

All plugins use jQueryUI like initialization:

$("#wordcloud").ntkWordcloud({setting: 'settingValue'})

Examples can be found in the /examples folder and can be run without a webserver.


Renders part values in a piechart. The amount of space a slice takes represents the part takes in the sum of all parts. Takes an array of data like:

    "color": "#043ae2",
    "label": "fimumlu",
    "value": 3
    "color": "#e51f43",
    "label": "biak",
    "value": 1

The array of data can be set once using the "setData" call, and after that any changes to the array can be reflected by the piechart by using the "redraw" call.

Example code can be found in /examples/piechart.html



A piechart can be initialized like this:

  data: data

Settings can be passed when initializing the piechart, example:

  data: data,
  fontFamility: 'Verdana,sans-serif'


Data should be changed directly in the array that was used to initialize the chart. The chart maintains a direct coupling to the array and any changes to the array can be reflected by doing a redraw call like this:


If you want to change the dataset with a new one, you can use the 'setData' call like this

$('#piechart').ntkPiechart('setData', data);


The label of a PieChart can be customized by with the labelCallback function. This callback function takes an "element" argument which is a D3 element in which the label is rendered. For more information on how to customize these elements, please look here:

Should always return the element being modified!

// Example on how to set an id on a label
var piechart = $('#piechart').ntkPieChart({
  data: data,
  labelCallback: function(element){ // Element is a D3 selected element that is being rendered for the current data entry.
    return element.attr("id", function(entry){ // Entry contains a reference to the current data entry being rendered.
      return "label_" +

Piechart settings

Setting Type Explanation
data Array The data you want to render, look at chapter summary above.
fontFamily String The font family to display the labels with.
fontColor Color HEX The color of the labels.
labelCallback Function A callback with which you can customize your label.
sliceAnimationDuration Integer The duration of the slice animation. (default (500ms)
textAnimationDuration Integer The duration of the text animation. (default 750 ms)

Piechart events

You can listen to piecharts by using jQuery .on() like this:

// Example on how to bind an event listener
var piechart = $('#piechart').ntkPieChart({
  data: data,

piechart.on('slice-animation-finished', function(){
  console.log('slice animation has finished!')
Event Description
slice-animation-finished Triggered when the slice animation on all slices has finished.
text-animation-finished Triggered when the text animation on all labels has finished.
animation-finished Triggered when all animations have finished.


Renders words in a cloud. When a new word is added, it "shoots" it into the existing cloud. If a word is added that already exists, the size of the existing word will be increased. Example code can be found in /examples/wordcloud.html



A wordcloud can be initialized like this:


All the settings can be passed when initializing the wordcloud, example:

  gravity: 0.5


A word can be added like this:

$('#wordcloud').ntkWordcloud('addWord', {
    text: "Lorum"

You can also add several words at once like this:

$('#wordcloud').ntkWordcloud('addWord', [{
  text: "Lorum"
  text: "Ipsum"

Wordcloud generic settings

Setting Type Explanation
words Array The array of words that you want to show when initialization the words. (predefined words)
gravity Double The gravity that the center of the cloud has, defines how fast words shoot to the wordcloud, and how hard they are pulled to the center.
wordDefaults Object The default settings for the word that is being added, please check table below for available word settings.

Wordcloud word settings

These are passed as an object in the generic wordDefaults object like:

  gravity: 0.5,
  wordDefaults: { //<-- These are the default word settings
    fontFamilty: 'Arial'

They can also be overwritten specifically by changing the values of the word object passed in the "addWord" method like:

$('#wordcloud').ntkWordcloud('addWord', {
  text: 'Lorum',
  fontFamily: 'Helvetica',
  color: '#123456'
Setting Type Explanation
wordIncreaseBy Integer How much will the fontSize be increased if the word already exists (percentage).
text String The text of the word.
color HEX color code or string "random" The color of a word, either a hex string like #000000, or the the string "random" to generate a random color.
fontSize Integer The font size of the text.
fontFamily String The font family to use for the text.
charge Integer Value indicating if words repel or attract to each other, a positive value means the word will attract other words, and negative value means the word will repel other words.


Based on

Displays a number inside a ball and fills the ball with water according to the percentage of the value relative to the min and max.Can be updated realtime, will animate changes nicely.

Example code can be found in /examples/waterball.html



A waterball can be initialized like this:


All the settings can be passed when initializing the waterball, example:

  minValue: 300, // The gauge minimum value.
  maxValue: 500, // The gauge maximum value.


The value of a waterball can be updated like this:

$('#waterball').ntkWaterball("update", 310);

Waterball settings

Setting Type Explanation
minValue Integer The ball mimimum value
maxValue Integer The ball maximum value
circleThickness Float The outer circle thickness as a percentage of it's radius.
circleFillGap Float The size of the gap between the outer circle and wave circle as a percentage of the outer circles radius.
circleColor Color HEX The color of the outer circle.
waveHeight Float The wave height as a percentage of the radius of the wave circle.
waveCount Integer The number of full waves per width of the wave circle.
waveRiseTime Integer The amount of time in milliseconds for the wave to rise from 0 to it's final height.
waveAnimateTime Integer The amount of time in milliseconds for a full wave to enter the wave circle.
waveRise Boolean Control if the wave should rise from 0 to it's full height, or start at it's full height.
waveHeightScaling Boolean Controls wave size scaling at low and high fill percentages. When true, wave height reaches it's maximum at 50% fill, and minimum at 0% and 100% fill. This helps to prevent the wave from making the wave circle from appear totally full or empty when near it's minimum or maximum fill.
waveAnimate Boolean Controls if the wave scrolls or is static.
waveColor Color HEX The color of the fill wave.
waveOffset Integer The amount to initially offset the wave. 0 = no offset. 1 = offset of one full wave.
textVertPosition Float The height at which to display the percentage text withing the wave circle. 0 = bottom, 1 = top.
textSize Float The relative height of the text to display in the wave circle. 1 = 50%
valueCountUp Boolean If true, the displayed value counts up from 0 to it's final value upon loading. If false, the final value is displayed.
displayPercent Boolean If true, a % symbol is displayed after the value.
textColor Color HEX The color of the value text when the wave does not overlap it.
waveTextColor Color HEX The color of the value text when the wave overlaps it.


Displays the Noterik logo and allows a text to be rendered in the center. For supports one animation called: "rotate" which rotates the two arcs on the outside of logo around the center.

Example code can be found in /examples/logo.html



The logo can be initialized like this:


All these settings can be passed when initializing the logo, example:

  animation: 'rotate'


The text in the logo can be updated like this:

$('#logo').ntkLogo('setText', {
  'text': 'Lorum Ipsum',
  'animation': 'rotate'

Logo settings

Setting Type Explanation
animation String, one of ['rotation'] The animation with which the logo is displayed.
animationLength Integer (time in ms) How long the animation should take.
animationInterval Integer (time in ms) The interval between a iteration of the animation.
textColor String (CSS Color) Color of text (default: #FFFFFF).
fontFamily String (CSS Font Family) Font Family of text (default: 'Verdana, Arial')
fontSize: Integer (font size in pixels) Font size of text relative to the size of the viewport (viewport = 500 x 500, default fontSize: 40)