A new major version of nRF Mesh.
Version 3 breaks API compatibility with previous version. Migration is needed, but should not be difficult. See #295 and #323 for details.
Also, the JSON file generated using Export has changed. nRF Mesh app and library will accept old JSONs, but will generate only new ones. The new one is compatible with nRF Mesh 3.0 for Android.
- Scenes support
- Heartbeats support
- Key Refresh Procedure (only in the library, not available in through the sample app)
- Periodic publishing from local node
- Partial export (allows to export only selected nodes, or hide Device Key, so that a Guest could not re-configure nodes)
- Migration to Xcode 12.4 and Swift 5.3
- Migration to CryptoSwift (from OpenSSL) (#322) (which removed last Objective-C code)
Complete list of features and changes is available in #295 and #323.
PS. There is no tag 3.0.0 as it had lint validation issues for CocoaPods release. Please use 3.0.1 instead.