File based Movie Database with C
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 3
Create a new database or load an existing database first!
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 1
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: 2
Name of the database to load: Harry Potter Franchise
Database Harry Potter Franchise loaded.
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: quit
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 3
| Harry Potter Franchise |
| id | title | year | actor | actress | director | producer | plot |
|0 |Philosopher's Stone |2001 |Daniel Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
|1 |Harry Potter and ...|2001 |Daniel Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
|2 |Harry and the Phi...|2001 |Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
|3 |Stone |2003 |Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night,Al...|
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 5
1. Quick Search
2. Advanced Search
Choice: 2
Name of the query: Year2001
Expression: year : `2001`
1. Quick Search
2. Advanced Search
Choice: quit
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 1
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: 2
Name of the database to load: Year2001
Database Year2001 loaded.
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: quit
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 3
| Year2001 |
| id | title | year | actor | actress | director | producer | plot |
|0 |Philosopher's Stone |2001 |Daniel Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
|1 |Harry Potter and ...|2001 |Daniel Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
|2 |Harry and the Phi...|2001 |Radcliffe |Emma Watson |Chris Columbus |David Heyman |Late one night, A...|
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: help
Manage databases: Create and Load Database
Add a new movie: Adds a new movie to operating database
Show all movies: Prints all movies in current database in table
Delete a movie: Deletes a existing movie from operating database
Search a movie: Searches a movie in operating database
help: Shows help in current context
quit: Quits from current context
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 2
Title of the movie: help
Movie Title e.g.Pirates of the Caribbean
Title of the movie: quit
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: 1
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: help
Create a new database: Creates a new database
Load a database: Loads a existing database
help: Shows help in current context
quit: Quits from current context
1. Create a new database
2. Load a database
Choice: quit
1. Manage databases
2. Add a new movie
3. Show all movies
4. Delete a movie
5. Search a movie
Choice: quit