Here you can find my latest setup, on Windows 10. Feel free to create an issue if you'd like to add something
NOTE: These dots are intended for my setup. If you wish to use them (and feel free to take them and tinker around), you will have to make specific modifications for your own machine. I'll do my best to answer questions related to parameters that may need to be changed
Thanks to Barbarossa93 and his Genome setup
Also thanks to niivu for doing the majority of the work with the Nord Windows theme
- OS: Windows10
- Browser: Firefox with a few small modifications to Minimal Functional Fox
- Startpage: Nighttab
- Fonts: FiraCode Nerd Font for general text and Font Awesome 5 Free for icons
- Player: Potplayer with a slightly modified theme
- Widgets: Rainmeter modelled on Eww
- Top Bar: Polybar for Rainmeter tweaked with Nerd Fonts
- Colorscheme: Nord with extra dark color #242831