A simple task manager web application created using MEAN Stack.
-> To run the application, install mongoDb, node and angular. -> Database folder folder is not added here. To run the application, you can create your own db folder in the following way: ->Create a folder "data" and a folder "db" inside the cloned application folder or whereever you wish to create the database. ->Open Command Prompt in the folder location and run the command "mongod --dbpath="__________\data\db". -> Run the command "ng serve -o" for frontend. -> Run the command "nodemon index.js" for backend.
Reference Link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-CeWkz1MNQ&list=PLIjdNHWULhPSZFDzQU6AnbVQNNo1NTRpd&ab_channel=Devstackr