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Remove legacy python from master #903

Remove legacy python from master

Remove legacy python from master #903

Workflow file for this run

name: Integration Tests
- master
- main
- "!**/"
id-token: write
contents: read
# Cancel previous runs for PRs but not pushes to main
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' && github.head_ref || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
working-directory: go
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-go@v5
go-version: ">=1.21.0"
cache-dependency-path: go/go.sum
- name: Run build script
run: "./"
- name: Upload built binaries
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: go
path: go/vault
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: dtolnay/rust-toolchain@stable
- uses: Swatinem/[email protected]
# The build script creates a `release` build so use separate cache
key: "release"
- name: Run build script
run: "./"
working-directory: rust
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.x
- name: Build wheel
uses: PyO3/maturin-action@v1
target: x86_64
args: |
--out dist
--manifest-path python-pyo3/Cargo.toml
sccache: false
manylinux: auto
- name: Upload wheel
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: python-wheel
path: dist
- name: Upload built binaries
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: rust
path: rust/vault
needs: build

Check failure on line 92 in .github/workflows/integration.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Integration Tests

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/integration.yml (Line: 92, Col: 12): Job 'tests' depends on unknown job 'build'.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# VAULT_STACK overwrites default 'vault' for vaults
VAULT_STACK: nitor-vault-integration-testing
# at the moment we store to the values to fixed keys so this needs to have limited concurrency
concurrency: "integration-test"
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.AWS_CI_ROLE }}
role-session-name: GitHubVaultIntegrationTests
aws-region: eu-west-1
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Download artifacts
uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
path: bin
- uses: pnpm/action-setup@v4
version: 9
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 20
cache: "pnpm"
cache-dependency-path: nodejs/pnpm-lock.yaml
- uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.x
cache: pip
- name: Install zip
run: sudo apt-get install zip unzip
- name: Build node vault
run: pnpm install --frozen-lockfile && pnpm build
working-directory: nodejs
- name: Install Python PyO3 vault from wheel
run: python -m pip install $(find bin -name '*.whl')
- name: Add execute rights and run --version for all versions
run: |
chmod +x bin/go/vault bin/rust/vault nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js
vault --version
bin/go/vault --version
bin/rust/vault --version
nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js --version
######## CLI TESTS ########
- name: Check help output
run: |
echo "============================== Python Vault CLI =============================="
vault -h
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "================================= Go Vault CLI ==============================="
bin/go/vault --help
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "================================ Rust Vault CLI =============================="
bin/rust/vault -h
echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "=============================== Node.js Vault CLI ============================"
nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js --help
- name: Check Python version
run: vault --version
- name: Check stack status with Rust CLI
run: bin/rust/vault stack
- name: Store secret with Python
run: vault -s 'secret-python' -v 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Store secret with Go
run: bin/go/vault -s 'secret-go' -v 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Store secret with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault -s 'secret-rust' -v 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Store secret with Nodejs
run: nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js s 'secret-nodejs' 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Validate storing worked Python
run: diff <(vault -l secret-python) <(echo -n sha-${{github.sha}})
- name: Validate Go and Rust secret equality with Python
run: diff <(vault -l secret-go) <(vault -l secret-rust)
- name: Validate Python secret equality with Rust and Go
run: diff <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-python) <(bin/go/vault -l secret-python)
- name: Validate Rust and Python secret equality with Go and Nodejs
run: diff <(bin/go/vault -l secret-rust) <(nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js lookup secret-python)
- name: Validate Go and Python secret equality with Rust and Go
run: diff <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-go) <(bin/go/vault -l secret-python)
- name: Validate Python and Nodejs secret equality with Rust
run: diff <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-python) <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-nodejs)
- name: Validate Rust and Go secret equality with Nodejs and Go
run: diff <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-rust) <(nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js lookup secret-nodejs)
- name: Delete secret with Python
run: vault -d 'secret-python'
- name: Delete secret with Go
run: bin/go/vault -d 'secret-go'
- name: Delete secret with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault -d 'secret-rust'
- name: Delete secret with Nodejs
run: nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js d 'secret-nodejs'
- name: Verify that keys have been deleted using Rust
run: |
bin/rust/vault exists secret-python | grep -q "key 'secret-python' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-go | grep -q "key 'secret-go' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-rust | grep -q "key 'secret-rust' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-nodejs | grep -q "key 'secret-nodejs' does not exist"
######## CLI BINARY FILE TESTS ########
- name: Create dummy text file
run: echo "Vault test ${{ github.sha }} ${{ github.ref_name }}" > test.txt
- name: Zip the text file
run: zip "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip" test.txt
- name: Store zip file using Python
run: vault --store --file "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip"
- name: Store zip file using Python overwrite
run: vault store --overwrite --file "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip"
- name: Lookup the stored zip file and write to output
run: vault -l "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip" >
- name: Extract the retrieved zip file
run: unzip -d extracted-python
- name: Verify the extracted file content
run: diff extracted-python/test.txt test.txt
- name: Delete secret with Python
run: vault -d "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip"
- name: Verify that key has been deleted with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault exists secret-${{github.sha}}.zip | grep -q "does not exist"
- name: Store zip file using Rust vault
run: bin/rust/vault --store --file "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip"
- name: Lookup the stored zip file and write to output
run: bin/rust/vault -l "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip" >
- name: Extract the retrieved zip file
run: unzip -d extracted-rust
- name: Verify the extracted file content
run: diff extracted-rust/test.txt test.txt
- name: Delete secret with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault -d "secret-${{github.sha}}.zip"
- name: Verify that keys have been deleted using Rust
run: |
bin/rust/vault exists secret-python | grep -q "key 'secret-python' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-go | grep -q "key 'secret-go' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-rust | grep -q "key 'secret-rust' does not exist"
bin/rust/vault exists secret-nodejs | grep -q "key 'secret-nodejs' does not exist"
######## PYTHON LIBRARY TESTS ########
- name: Check Python vault package
run: python -m pip show nitor-vault
- name: Check stack status with Python library
run: python -c "from n_vault import Vault; print(Vault().stack_status())"
- name: Store secret using Python library
run: |
python -c "from n_vault import Vault; Vault().store('secret-python-library', 'sha-${{github.sha}}')"
- name: Verify secret using Python library
run: |
python -c "from n_vault import Vault; print('true') if Vault().exists('secret-python-library') else print('false')" | grep -q "true"
- name: Validate storing worked with Rust
run: diff <(bin/rust/vault -l secret-python-library) <(echo -n sha-${{github.sha}})
- name: Lookup with Python library
run: |
diff <(python -c "from n_vault import Vault; print(Vault().lookup('secret-python-library').decode('utf-8'), end='', flush=True)") <(echo -n sha-${{github.sha}})
- name: List with Python library
run: python -c "from n_vault import Vault; print('\n'.join(Vault().list_all()))" | wc -l | grep -q "1"
- name: Delete with Python library
run: python -c "from n_vault import Vault; Vault().delete('secret-python-library')"
- name: Verify that key has been deleted with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault exists secret-python-library | grep -q "key 'secret-python-library' does not exist"
- name: Store secret with Go
run: bin/go/vault -s 'secret-go' -v 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Store secret with Rust
run: bin/rust/vault -s 'secret-rust' -v 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: Store secret with Nodejs
run: nodejs/dist/cli/vault.js s 'secret-nodejs' 'sha-${{github.sha}}' -w
- name: List with Python library
run: python -c "from n_vault import Vault; print('\n'.join(Vault().list_all()))"
- name: Delete all keys with Python library
run: python -c "from n_vault import Vault; Vault().delete_many(Vault().list_all())"
- name: Verify that keys have been deleted using Python
run: |
vault exists secret-python | grep -q "key 'secret-python' does not exist"
vault exists secret-go | grep -q "key 'secret-go' does not exist"
vault exists secret-rust | grep -q "key 'secret-rust' does not exist"
vault exists secret-nodejs | grep -q "key 'secret-nodejs' does not exist"