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Edvard Fonsell edited this page Nov 10, 2015 · 2 revisions

nFlow REST API supports currently following operations:

  • GET /v1/workflow-definition
  • Get definition of a workflow: all possible states, transitions between states, and other setting related to the workflow.
  • GET /v1/workflow-instance
  • Query list of workflow instances with different query criterias.
  • GET /v1/workflow-instance/{id}
  • Fetch full state and history of single workflow instance.
  • PUT /v1/workflow-instance
  • Create a new workflow instance that will be processed as soon as there are free WorkflowExecutors.
  • PUT /v1/workflow-instance/{id}
  • Update existing workflow instance. This is typically used in manual step via some UI.
  • POST /v1/archive
  • Start archiving process.
  • GET /v1/statistics
  • Query statistics of queued and executing workflow instances.
  • GET /v1/statistics/workflow/{type}
  • Query statistics of all workflow instance states and statuses for given workflow definition type.
  • GET /v1/workflow-executor
  • Query list of workflow executors.

nFlow REST API is described in more detail via Swagger documentation system. Swagger documentation is included automatically in nflow-jetty.