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πŸ“š tsundoku is a Python toolkit to analyze Twitter data.


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πŸ“š tsundoku

Tsundoku is a Python toolkit to analyze Twitter data, following the methodology published in:

Graells-Garrido, E., Baeza-Yates, R., & Lalmas, M. (2020, July). Every colour you are: Stance prediction and turnaround in controversial issues. In 12th ACM Conference on Web Science (pp. 174-183).

About the name: tsundoku is a Japanese word (積んθͺ­) that means "to pile books without reading them" (see more in Wikipedia). It is common to crawl tweets and do nothing with them later. So tsundoku provides a way to work with all those piled-up tweets.

Development Setup

# Clone repository
git clone

# Move into folder
cd tsundoku

# Create conda environment, install dependencies on it and activate it
conda env create --name tsundoku_test --file environment-base.yml

# Activate the environment 
conda activate tsundoku

# optionally you can update geographical analysis dependencies
conda env update --file environment-geo.yml

# make the tsundoku module available in your environment
pip install -e .

# install Kernel for use within Jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name tsundoku --display-name "Python (tsundoku)"

# you can install PyTorch if you want to use deep learning models. this is the GPU version
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url

# this is the CPU version
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url

# then install πŸ€— Transformers to access language models
pip install transformers

Data preliminaries

This is needed if you want to use the full analysis pipeline as detailed in our papers.

Global configuration and preprocessing

Create an .env file in the root of this repository with the following structure:


This code assumes that you crawl tweets using the Streaming API. These tweets are stored in JSON format, one tweet per line, in files compressed using gzip, stored in the INCOMING_PATH folder.

The TWEET_PATH folder is where the system stores a first pre-processed version of tweets from INCOMING_PATH. In this first step, tsundoku does two things: first, it keeps tweets in the specified languages; second, it flattens the tweet structure and removes some unused attributes. It does this through the following command:

$ python -m

Note that this operation deletes the original files.

Configure your project

The TSUNDOKU_PROJECT_PATH folder defines a project. It contains the following files and folders:

  • config.toml: project configuration.
  • groups/*.toml: classifier configuration for several groups of users. This is arbitrary, you can define your own groups. The mandatory one is called relevant.toml.
  • experiments.toml: experiment definition and classifier hyper-parameters. Experiments enable analysis in different periods (for instance, first and second round of a presidential election).
  • keywords.txt (optional): set of keywords to filter tweets. For instance, presidential candidate names, relevant hashtags, etc.
  • stopwords.txt (optional): list of stop words.

Please see the example in the example_project folder.

In config.toml there are two important paths to configure:

config = "/home/egraells/repositories/tsundoku/example_project"
data = "/home/egraells/repositories/tsundoku/example_project/data"

The first path, config, states where the project lies. The second path, data, states where the imported data will be stored. This includes the raw data and the results from processing.

Import data into your project

tsundoku has three folders within the project data folder: raw, interim, and processed.

The raw folder contains a subfolder named json, and within raw/json there is one folder for each day. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. Actually, the name of each folder within raw/json could be anything, but by convention I have worked with dates, as it makes it easier to organize different experiments.

Currently, there are two ways of importing data. First, by specifying a chunk of tweet files to be imported into one folder within raw/json (A); or second, by importing files when the filename encodes datetime structure (B). Both are described next.

If none of these two options works for you, you will have to craft your own importer. Fortunately, the module contains the TweetImporter class that will help you do so.

A. Import a set of files into a specific target

The following command imports a set of files into a specific target folder:

$ python -m /mnt/storage/tweets/*.gz --target 2021-12-12

This command takes all files pointed by the wildcard (you can also point specific files) and then it filters the tweets relevant for the project, saving them in a folder named 2021-12-12 in the project. The files do not need to be inside TWEET_PATH. However, they do need to be flattened according to the script.

B. Import by date when files have a specific naming structure

The following command imports a specific date from TWEET_PATH:

$ python -m 20211219

This command assumes that tweet files have a specific file naming schema, although this is not a requirement. The schema is the following:


  • auroracl_ is an optional prefix. In this case, it's the codename of the project that started this repository a few years ago.
  • 2021 (year) 12 (month) 27 (day) 1620 (time of the day).

The code I use to crawl tweets generates these files every 10 minutes. It is available in this repository.

Run your project

Let's assume you have already imported the data, and that you have defined at least one experiment. We will run the following commands to perform the experiments:

  1. $ python -m tsundoku.features.compute_features: this will estimate features (such as document-term matrices) for every day in your project.
  2. $ python -m tsundoku.features.prepare_experiment --experiment experiment_name: this will prepare the features for the specific experiment. For instance, a experiment has start/end dates, so it consolidates the data between those dates only.
  3. $ python -m tsundoku.models.predict_groups --experiment experiment_name --group relevance: this command predicts whether a user profile is relevant or not (noise) for the experiment. It uses a XGB classifier.
  4. $ python -m tsundoku.models.predict_groups --experiment experiment_name --group another_group: this command predicts groups within users. Current sample configurations include stance (which candidate is supported by this profile?), person (sex or institutional account), location (the different regions in Chile). You can define as many groups as you want. Note that for each group you must define categories in the corresponding .toml file. In this file, if a category is called noise, it means that users who fall in the category will be discarding when consolidating results.
  5. $ python -m tsundoku.analysis.analyze_groups --experiment experiment_name --group reference_group: this command takes the result from the classification and consolidates the analysis with respect to interaction networks, vocabulary, and other features. It requires a reference group to base the analysis (for instance, stance allows you to characterize the supporters of each presidential candidate).

After this, in your project data folder data/processed/experiment_name/consolidated you will find several files with the results of the analysis.


πŸ“š tsundoku is a Python toolkit to analyze Twitter data.







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  • Jupyter Notebook 95.5%
  • Python 4.4%
  • Makefile 0.1%