The Trainer/Supervisor form View Evaluation tab is accessed via the Trainer/Supervisor - View Evaluation menu item on the main form.
There are two windows displayed on the screen. The window on the left displays a list of trainees/employees. The window on the right is initially blank. Selecting a trainee/employee from the first window will fill the second window with a list of the trainee's evaluations that have been completed, sorted by the completion date and numbered sequentially. Checking the "Highlight Fully-Signed Evaluations" checkbox will apply a green highlight to those evaluations which have been signed by the trainer, the trainee, and all reviewers assigned to the trainer at the time the evaluations were originally saved.
Select the evaluation to be viewed and then click the View Evaluation button. The Evaluation Viewer will appear with the selected evaluation. Clicking the Close button will close this window.
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NOTE : If the "Prevent unapproved evaluations from appearing in the View Evaluation tab until fully-reviewed" checkbox is checked, all evaluations written by trainers/supervisors who have one or more assigned reviewers must be fully reviewed in order for those evaluations to appear in the View Evaluation tab. The "Prevent..." checkbox may be found in the Unapproved Evaluations sub-tab of the
Global Settings tab.
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