Evaluation Viewer Tabs
The Evaluation Viewer appears with the following tabs:
- Trainee/Employee Information
- Trainee/Employee Evaluation
- Reviewer Comments
- Signatures
Trainee/Employee Information Tab
The information on this tab is grouped into the Organization, Trainee/Employee Data and Evaluation Data sections. At the bottom are buttons for printing and previewing the evaluation and for exiting the viewer.
This section displays the organization the trainee/employee belongs to. This text shows up at the very top of the printed evaluation. What was entered on the Report Header tab of the System Utilities form is saved with the evaluation.
Trainee/Employee Data:
- Trainee/Employee Name - Name of the trainee/employee
- Trainee/Employee ID - Unique identification number of the trainee/employee
- Criteria Set - Criteria set assigned to the trainee/employee
- Trainer/Supervisor Name - Name of the trainer/supervisor writing the evaluation
- Trainer/Supervisor ID - Unique identification number of the trainer/supervisor
Evaluation Data
- Evaluation # - ID value that appears at the top of printed evaluation, below the organization.
- Shift - Shift in which the evaluation occurred.
- Phase - Phase in which the evaluation occurred.
- From - Evaluation period start date.
- To - Evaluation period end date.
- Training Time - Training time for evaluation period. Totals appear on Training Time Report window.
- Comments - Trainer/supervisor remarks.
Use the Print button to print the evaluation to the default printer. A dialog box indicating an error will be displayed if the printer is not ready. The Preview button loads the formatted evaluation into a window for viewing prior to printing. From the preview window the evaluation may be printed or exported to a file. The Quit button closes this screen.