Deep-learning applied to semantic segmentation of remote sensing data, according to this workflow:
Download the Forest toy data in and follow the instructions below (...if you are hurry, run all the thing by
- Standardize the two images, the one will be used to train the model e another one that will be classified:
$ ./ -n 0 -b 1 2 3 4 -i forest_toy/raw_data/mosaic_201709.tif forest_toy/raw_data/mosaic_201801.tif -o forest_toy/stand_data
- Stack the standardized image and the forest map (e.i. the reference data):
$ ./ -i forest_toy/stand_data/mosaic_201709_stand.tif -r forest_toy/raw_data/forest_201709.tif -o forest_toy/stand_data/forest_201709_model_input.vrt
- Generate the chips (i.e. a set of pixels with regular squared size) without data augmentation (see usages):
$ ./ -f 0,0 -r -l -u -i forest_toy/stand_data/forest_201709_model_input.vrt -o forest_toy/chips
- Train a U-net model, for 20 epochs, using default hyperparameter (see usages):
$ ./ -e 20 -i forest_toy/chips -o forest_toy/model/
- Follow the trainning process using tensorboard:
$ tensorboard --logdir=forest_toy/model/
- Evaluate the trained model:
$ ./ -m forest_toy/model
- Classify the other image:
$ ./ -m forest_toy/model -i forest_toy/raw_data/mosaic_201801.tif -o forest_toy/result
- Check the classification result, forest_toy/result/mosaic_201801_pred.tif, in QGIS:
usage: [-h] -i IMAGES [IMAGES ...] -b BANDS [BANDS ...] -n
STEP 01/06 - Standardize multiple images using the formula: (value - median) /
std_dev. The median and std_dev will be calculate by band (e.g. blue, red)
considering all images.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IMAGES [IMAGES ...], --images IMAGES [IMAGES ...]
<Required> List of input images.
-b BANDS [BANDS ...], --bands BANDS [BANDS ...]
<Required> The image bands that will be standardized.
-n IN_NODATA, --in-nodata IN_NODATA
<Required> Nodata value of input images.
-d OUT_NODATA, --out-nodata OUT_NODATA
Nodata value of standardized images. It will be
ignored when convert-int16 is enabled. [DEFAULT=-50]
-t, --convert-int16 Convert the standardized images to int16, multiply its
pixel values by scale factor 10000. It will reduce the
size of the output files and use -32767 as nodata
value. [DEFAULT=false]
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
<Required> Output directory that will have the
standardized images.
-c CHUNK_SIZE, --chunk-size CHUNK_SIZE
The amount of data that will be processed, per time,
by standardization process. In case of memory error
you should decrease this argument. [DEFAULT=1000]
usage: [-h] -i IMAGES [IMAGES ...] [-b BANDS [BANDS ...]]
STEP 02/06 - Stack multiple images into a sigle Virtual Dataset-VRT image. If
informed, the reference image will the last band.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IMAGES [IMAGES ...], --images IMAGES [IMAGES ...]
<Required> List of input images.
-b BANDS [BANDS ...], --bands BANDS [BANDS ...]
The bands that should be stacked. [DEFAULT=All]
Image with reference data, that should have only these
pixel values: 0=without information, 1=object of
interest, 2=not an object of interest.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
<Required> The name of VRT output image
usage: [-h] -i IMAGE -o OUTPUT_DIR [-n NODATA]
[-r] [-u] [-l] [-d]
STEP 03/06 - Generate a several chips (i.e. a set of pixels with regular
squared size) considerering the input image. The last band will be used as
expected output result, and should have only these pixel values: 0=without
information, 1=object of interest, 2=not an object of interest. If a chip has
only pixel values equal to 0, into reference band, the chip will discarded.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IMAGE, --image IMAGE
<Required> Input image that will be used by chip
generation process.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
<Required> The output directory that will have the
generated chips.
-n NODATA, --nodata NODATA
Nodata value of input image. [DEFAULT=-50]
-s CHIP_SIZE, --chip-size CHIP_SIZE
Size of the chip with output result. A chip always
will be a square. [DEFAULT=100]
-p PAD_SIZE, --pad-size PAD_SIZE
Padding size that will establish the size of input
chip, with spectral data. A padding size of 93px and a
chip size of 100px will result in a input chip of
286px. [DEFAULT=93]
-f OFFSET [OFFSET ...], --offset OFFSET [OFFSET ...]
As a data augmentation option, offset argument will be
used to produce chips with a percentage of overlap. An
offset 0,50 will generate chips with 50 percent of
overlap in the axis y. [DEFAULT=0,0]
-r, --rotate As a data augmentation option, rotate argument will
rotate all the chips at angles 90, 180 and 270
degrees. [DEFAULT=false]
-u, --shuffle Shuffle generated chips. If the generated chips is
only for test propose, you should set false here.
-l, --flip As a data augmentation option, flip argument will
flip, in the left/right direction, all the chips.
-d, --discard-nodata Chips with nodata values will be discard by chip
generation process. You shouldn't considerer put true
here. [DEFAULT=false]
usage: [-h] -i CHIPS_DIR [-s SEED] [-t EVAL_SIZE]
STEP 04/06 - U-Net Training approach using several chips.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i CHIPS_DIR, --chips-dir CHIPS_DIR
<Required> Input directory of chips that will be used
by training process.
-s SEED, --seed SEED Seed that will be used to split the chips in train and
evaluation groups. [DEFAULT=1989]
-t EVAL_SIZE, --eval-size EVAL_SIZE
Percentage size of the evaluation group. [DEFAULT=0.2]
-f SCALE_FACTOR, --scale-factor SCALE_FACTOR
Scale factor that will multiply the input chips before
training process. If the data type of input chips is
integer you should considerer use this argument.
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
Number of epochs of the training process.
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size of training process. In case of memory
error you should decrease this argument. [DEFAULT=32]
Learning rate of training process. [DEFAULT=0.00005]
-d DROPOUT_RATE, --dropout-rate DROPOUT_RATE
Dropout rate of model. Small values here may help
prevent overfitting. [DEFAULT=0.5]
-r L2_REGULARIZER, --l2-regularizer L2_REGULARIZER
Dropout rate of model. Small values here may help
prevent overfitting. [DEFAULT=0.5]
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
<Required> The output directory that will have the
trained model and the tensorboard logs.
The number of chips that will presented by tensorboard
during the training process. [DEFAULT=2]
usage: [-h] -m MODEL_DIR [-s EVAL_SIZE] [-i CHIPS_DIR]
STEP 05/06 - Evaluate a trained model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MODEL_DIR, --model-dir MODEL_DIR
<Required> Input directory with the trained model and
the tensorboard logs.
-s EVAL_SIZE, --eval-size EVAL_SIZE
Percentage size of chips that will be used in the
evaluation [DEFAULT=Value defined by]
-i CHIPS_DIR, --chips-dir CHIPS_DIR
Input directory of chips that will be used by
evaluation process [DEFAULT=Value defined by]
usage: [-h] -i IMAGES [IMAGES ...] -m MODEL_DIR -o OUTPUT_DIR
STEP 06/06 - Classify a list of images using a trained model.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i IMAGES [IMAGES ...], --images IMAGES [IMAGES ...]
<Required> List of input images that will be
-m MODEL_DIR, --model-dir MODEL_DIR
<Required> Input directory with the trained model and
the tensorboard logs.
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
<Required> The output directory that will that will
have the classification output.
Reading the input image until memory percentage reach
the value defined by this argument. After that, the
classification will execute for readed data.