The create
argument allows you to create an Astra resource, including:
Its opposite command is destroy, which allows you to destroy these same resources. Create and destroy are similar to manage and unmanage, however create/destroy objects live entirely within Astra Control, while manage/unmanage objects do not. If you create and then destroy a snapshot, it is gone forever. However if you manage and then unmanage a cluster, the cluster still exists to re-manage again.
$ actoolkit create -h
usage: actoolkit create [-h] {asup,backup,cluster,group,hook,exechook,ldap,protection,schedule,replication,script,snapshot,user} ...
-h, --help show this help message and exit
asup create auto-support bundle
backup create backup
cluster create cluster (upload a K8s cluster kubeconfig to then manage)
group create a remote group (requires LDAP)
hook (exechook) create execution hook
ldap create an LDAP(S) server connection for remote authentication
protection (schedule)
create protection policy
replication create replication policy
script create script (hookSource)
snapshot create snapshot
user create a user
The create asup
command allows you to manually trigger an auto-support bundle. The command usage is:
actoolkit create asup <optionalArguments>
Additional information on each argument is as follows:
: specify this flag to have the auto-support bundle automatically uploaded to the NetApp Support Site when generated (default is to not have it uploaded)- Custom Time Frame (cannot be used in conjunction with Quick Time Frame):
: an ISO-8601 timestamp, like2024-05-08T14:11:07Z
. You must include a timezone, either viaZ
(UTC) or an offset+04:00
. This argument defaults to 24 hours before--dateWindowEnd
, and the maximum value is 7 days before the current time.--dataWindowEnd
: an ISO-8601 timestamp, like2024-05-09T14:11:07Z
. You must include a timezone, either viaZ
(UTC) or an offset+04:00
. This argument defaults to the current time of request.
- Quick Time Frame (cannot be used in conjunction with Custom Time Frame):
: specify the auto-support bundle to span the last X hours (anywhere from 1 to 24, inclusive). This field is mutually exclusive with--days
: specify the auto-support bundle to span the last X days (anywhere from 1 to 7, inclusive). This field is mutually exclusive with--hours
To create an auto-support bundle covering the last 24 hours, and not upload it to the NetApp Support Site:
$ actoolkit create asup
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-05-08T15:56:19Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-05-08T15:56:19Z", "createdBy": "62f49133-da54-4ce5-a4bb-9a20b5d9b000", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-asup", "version": "1.0", "id": "9bc7e099-ff24-4255-bd48-65167b087cec", "upload": "false", "creationState": "running", "triggerType": "manual", "dataWindowStart": "2024-05-07T15:56:19Z", "dataWindowEnd": "2024-05-08T15:56:19Z"}
To create an auto-support bundle covering the last 2 days, and upload it to the NetApp Support Site:
$ actoolkit create asup --upload -d 2
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-05-09T15:01:35Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-05-09T15:01:35Z", "createdBy": "62f49133-da54-4ce5-a4bb-9a20b5d9b000", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-asup", "version": "1.0", "id": "3d395cd3-5fa8-43ba-a882-805eb4e6741b", "upload": "true", "creationState": "running", "uploadState": "pending", "triggerType": "manual", "dataWindowStart": "2024-05-07T15:01:35Z", "dataWindowEnd": "2024-05-09T15:01:35Z"}
To create an auto-support bundle covering May 7th, 2024 in the EDT timezone, and not have it automatically upload to the NetApp Support Site:
$ actoolkit create asup --dataWindowStart 2024-05-07T00:00:00+04:00 --dataWindowEnd 2024-05-07T23:59:59+04:00
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-05-09T15:21:39Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-05-09T15:21:39Z", "createdBy": "62f49133-da54-4ce5-a4bb-9a20b5d9b000", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-asup", "version": "1.0", "id": "649de606-2b9d-4f82-88b9-239b45e7f24c", "upload": "false", "creationState": "running", "triggerType": "manual", "dataWindowStart": "2024-05-07T00:00:00+04:00", "dataWindowEnd": "2024-05-07T23:59:59+04:00"}
The create backup
command allows you to take an ad-hoc backup. The command usage is:
actoolkit create backup <optionalBackgroundArg> <optionalPollTimer> <appID> <backupName> \
<optionalBucketID> <optionalSnapshotID>
Additional information on each argument is as follows:
: when specified, the terminal prompt is returned after initiating the backup. If not specified (default behavior), the command polls for the status of the backup operation-t
: the frequency to check the status of the backup operation (default is 5 seconds)-u
: the bucketID to store the backup, if not specified, the default bucket for the cloud is used-s
: the snapshotID to create the backup from, if not specified, a new snapshot is created
To create a foreground backup based on a new snapshot and store it in the default bucket:
$ actoolkit create backup a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd 20220523-cli-backup1
Starting backup of a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd
Waiting for backup to complete.....................................................................
To create a background backup based on a new snapshot and store it in the default bucket:
$ actoolkit create backup -b a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd 20220523-cli-backup2
Starting backup of a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd
Background backup flag selected, run 'list backups' to get status
$ actoolkit list backups
| AppID | backupName | backupID | backupState |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | hourly-cpesy-g82fd | 2ce7996a-3b21-4dc7-ae5f-7c287c479f7e | completed |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | 20220523-cli-backup1 | 7be82451-7e89-43fb-8251-9a347ce513e0 | completed |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | 20220523-cli-backup2 | c06ec1e4-ae3d-4a32-bea0-771505f88203 | ready |
To create a foreground backup from an existing snapshot while polling on the status ever 60 seconds:
$ actoolkit create backup 92020880-a2e1-4ae2-aed0-40bd74c3d0bf from-snap \
-s 0a71b847-5677-4d66-ae7d-5e34117910b5 \
-t 60
Starting backup of 92020880-a2e1-4ae2-aed0-40bd74c3d0bf
Waiting for backup to complete...complete!
To create a background backup based on a new snapshot and store it in a non-default bucket:
$ actoolkit create backup -b 92020880-a2e1-4ae2-aed0-40bd74c3d0bf new-bucket-backup \
--bucketID 30132ef3-d1a1-4385-8e10-43b5b7740299
Starting backup of 92020880-a2e1-4ae2-aed0-40bd74c3d0bf
Background backup flag selected, run 'list backups' to get status
The create cluster
command allows you to create non-public-cloud-managed Kubernetes clusters from a kubeconfig file. After the cluster is "created" it must still be managed to be fully brought under Astra's control. The command usage is:
actoolkit create cluster <kubeconfig-filePath> -c <optionalCloudIdArg> \
<--privateRouteID optionalPrivateRouteID>
Additional information on each argument is as follows:
is the local filesystem path to the kubeconfig file which has an admin-role for the Kubernetes cluster-c
can be gathered from a list clouds command, however it is only needed in the event there are multiple, non-public clouds on the system. In the event there is only a single non-public cloud within Astra Control, then that cloudID is automatically used.--privateRouteID
is an optional value, only needed for managing private clusters that are not accessible from the internet. The Astra Connector must first be installed on the cluster in question, and then the private route ID can be gathered from the operator output. See the main docs for more information.
When running the create cluster
command, you will notice two API responses, the first for creating the kubeconfig credential, the second for creating the cluster object which references the same credential.
$ actoolkit create cluster ~/.kube/oc-tmecluster02-config.yaml
{"type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "68af1e92-1b5a-439b-935c-b0605b7efd3a", "name": "openshift-tmecluster02", "keyType": "kubeconfig", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-08-17T17:09:47Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-17T17:09:47Z", "createdBy": "79b66aad-aba6-4673-9cef-994fa91c8de6", "labels": [{"name": "", "value": "kubeconfig"}, {"name": "", "value": "private"}]}}
{"type": "application/astra-cluster", "version": "1.1", "id": "1fe9f33e-a560-41db-a72a-9544e2a4adcf", "name": "openshift-tmecluster02", "state": "running", "stateUnready": [], "managedState": "unmanaged", "managedStateUnready": [], "inUse": "false", "clusterType": "openshift", "namespaces": [], "defaultStorageClass": "5f71d427-bee2-44cf-9ce3-30649676f6d4", "cloudID": "bd976721-6d70-464b-8c84-fa70b5009b1e", "credentialID": "68af1e92-1b5a-439b-935c-b0605b7efd3a", "isMultizonal": "false", "tridentVersion": "22.01.0", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-17T17:09:49Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-17T17:09:49Z", "createdBy": "79b66aad-aba6-4673-9cef-994fa91c8de6"}}
$ actoolkit create cluster ~/.kube/private-config \
--privateRouteID 863a3c08-34e6-463a-b479-1b1bdbdf7178
{"type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "378fcfef-f9e0-4c25-ab67-91977f8188da", "name": "api-j0rpeqpa-westeurope-aroapp-io:6443", "keyType": "kubeconfig", "valid": "true", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2023-06-27T18:03:23Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-06-27T18:03:23Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab", "labels": [{"name": "", "value": "kubeconfig"}, {"name": "", "value": "private"}]}}
{"type": "application/astra-cluster", "version": "1.5", "id": "0aa6fd87-8534-41d7-bef4-4eaedfed4ffa", "name": "api-j0rpeqpa-westeurope-aroapp-io:6443", "state": "running", "stateUnready": [], "managedState": "unmanaged", "protectionState": "full", "protectionStateDetails": [], "managedStateUnready": [], "inUse": "false", "clusterType": "openshift", "connectorCapabilities": [], "namespaces": [], "defaultStorageClass": "e78e4b0f-1e4c-46ed-976f-6f6df5ea07e4", "cloudID": "91ef340d-6ce2-4d54-846a-cf9ba3a4f4ae", "credentialID": "378fcfef-f9e0-4c25-ab67-91977f8188da", "isMultizonal": "false", "tridentManagedStateAllowed": ["unmanaged"], "tridentVersion": "", "privateRouteID": "863a3c08-34e6-463a-b479-1b1bdbdf7178", "apiServiceID": "984888f5-f345-41a1-b207-3a9bd726368f", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2023-06-27T18:03:31Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2023-06-27T18:03:31Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
The create group
command allows you to create an Astra Control group from an LDAP group definition, enabling group-wide remote authentication. This is only applicable with ACC environments with an LDAP server configured. The command usage is:
actoolkit create group <dn> <role> \
<-a optional labelConstraint> <-n optional namespaceConstraint>
The dn
argument must be a distinguished name present in your LDAP server (see list ldapgroups for information on how to query LDAP for groups).
The role argument must be one of the following four values:
- viewer
- member
- admin
- owner
$ actoolkit create group "CN=michael,OU=Users,OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com" member
PI HTTP Status Code: 201
{"type": "application/astra-group", "version": "1.1", "id": "55d38501-3946-4790-8cff-bcbbe5363597", "name": "michael", "authProvider": "ldap", "authID": "cn=michael,ou=users,ou=e2e,dc=astra-example,dc=com", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:14:55Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:14:55Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}}
PI HTTP Status Code: 201
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:14:55Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:14:55Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "group", "version": "1.1", "id": "f04b94b4-a751-41d2-9144-02181d5603fe", "userID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "groupID": "55d38501-3946-4790-8cff-bcbbe5363597", "accountID": "1792ed1d-d55f-4a98-b07d-532b17ac2e77", "role": "member", "roleConstraints": ["*"]}
Any number of labelConstraints (-a
) and/or namespaceConstraints (-n
) can be provided (note that multiple values can be provided, either with space separated values, or specifying the argument again).
$ actoolkit create group "CN=michael,OU=Users,OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com" \
member -a -n 89a3965f-b52c-5397-9236-e214dca5a241
{"type": "application/astra-group", "version": "1.1", "id": "e19f6b87-f788-41d6-9958-85190e77479e", "name": "michael", "authProvider": "ldap", "authID": "cn=michael,ou=users,ou=e2e,dc=astra-example,dc=com", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:38:28Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:38:28Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}}
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:38:29Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:38:29Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "group", "version": "1.1", "id": "f266bb40-e204-4543-9366-bcbec9738671", "userID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "groupID": "e19f6b87-f788-41d6-9958-85190e77479e", "accountID": "1792ed1d-d55f-4a98-b07d-532b17ac2e77", "role": "member", "roleConstraints": ["namespaces:id='89a3965f-b52c-5397-9236-e214dca5a241'.*", "namespaces:kubernetesLabels=''.*"]}
The create hook
command allows you to create an application execution hook for an application. The high level command usage is:
actoolkit create hook <appID> <hookName> <scriptID> -o <operationType> \
-a <optionalHookArg1> <optionalHookArgX> \
-i <optionalContainerImageFilter1> <optionalContainerImageFilterX> \
-n <optionalNamespaceFilter1> <optionalNamespaceFilterX> \
-p <optionalPodNameFilter1> <optionalPodNameFilterX> \
-l <optionalLabelFilter1> <optionalLabelFilterX> \
-c <optionalContainerNameFilter1> <optionalContainerNameFilterX>
Additional information on each argument is as follows:
can be gathered from a list apps commandhookName
is the friendly name of your choicescriptID
can be gathered from a list scripts command-o
must be one of:- pre-snapshot
- post-snapshot
- pre-backup
- post-backup
- post-restore
are (optional) command line arguments that may be required depending upon the script defined via thescriptID
. Any number of arguments can be provided.filterGroup
is a list of five optional logical AND regex filters to minimize the number of containers where the hook will execute (if no filterGroup arguments are provided, then this execution hook applies to all container images within the application):-i
: regex filter for container images-n
: regex filter for namespaces (useful for multi-namespace apps)-p
: regex filters for pod names-l
: regex filter for Kubernetes labels-c
: regex filter for container names
This example creates a "post-snapshot" execution hook for appID "7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7" named "wordpress-mariadb-post-snapshot", and provides the command line argument "post" to scriptID "41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d". Since no filters are provided, it matches on all images within the app.
$ actoolkit create hook 7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7 wordpress-post-snapshot \
41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d -o post-snapshot -a post
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T18:43:58Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T18:43:58Z", "createdBy": "59c784bb-9b28-4da5-ae8a-f20794ec562f"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.0", "id": "6f9e8190-96fd-420c-be36-7324c6b54ce1", "name": "wordpress-post-snapshot", "hookType": "custom", "action": "snapshot", "stage": "post", "hookSourceID": "41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d", "arguments": ["post"], "appID": "7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7", "enabled": "true"}
This example creates a "pre-backup" execution hook for appID "7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7" named "wordpress-mariadb-pre-snap", provides the command line argument "pre" to scriptID "41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d", and only runs agains container images with a matching regex of "\bmariadb\b" (note the quotes).
$ actoolkit create hook 7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7 wordpress-mariadb-pre-snap \
41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d -o pre-backup -a pre -i "\bmariadb\b"
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T18:57:39Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T18:57:39Z", "createdBy": "59c784bb-9b28-4da5-ae8a-f20794ec562f"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.0", "id": "f2da43bd-0278-4f21-b9b6-ea64a7247423", "name": "wordpress-mariadb-pre-snap", "hookType": "custom", "matchingCriteria": [{"type": "containerImage", "value": "\\bmariadb\\b"}], "action": "backup", "stage": "pre", "hookSourceID": "41bd1ee4-6283-4e6b-a9f0-a4b29de3fb3d", "arguments": ["pre"], "appID": "7b647ab6-834b-4553-9b23-02ecdd8562f7", "enabled": "true"}
This example creates a "post-restore" execution hook for appID "eebd59f2-e9b3-47b0-b0e8-1306d805f104" named "cassandra-post-restore", provides two separate command line arguments ("post-restore" and "false") to scriptID "db17a907-9518-4836-850f-1d21bc7651d7", and only runs against container names of cassandra.
$ actoolkit create hook eebd59f2-e9b3-47b0-b0e8-1306d805f104 cassandra-post-restore \
db17a907-9518-4836-850f-1d21bc7651d7 -o post-restore -a post-restore false -c cassandra
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T19:01:22Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-03T19:01:22Z", "createdBy": "59c784bb-9b28-4da5-ae8a-f20794ec562f"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.0", "id": "a1a1ca43-1aee-4707-a514-0f251a336e06", "name": "cassandra-post-restore", "hookType": "custom", "matchingCriteria": [{"type": "containerName", "value": "cassandra"}], "action": "restore", "stage": "post", "hookSourceID": "db17a907-9518-4836-850f-1d21bc7651d7", "arguments": ["post-restore", "false"], "appID": "eebd59f2-e9b3-47b0-b0e8-1306d805f104", "enabled": "true"}
This example creates a "pre-snapshot" execution hook for appID "187f0f70-c879-40d4-87d4-64219612bc60" named "mdb-presnap", and filters to only run on containers with images matching a regex of "\bmariadb\b", and belonging to the namespace "wordpress", and with a pod name of "wordpress-mariadb-0", and labels matching "" and "", and container name of "mariadb".
$ actoolkit create hook 187f0f70-c879-40d4-87d4-64219612bc60 mdb-presnap \
f402940e-c9ef-4c49-b5e8-4d126ab8d072 -o pre-snapshot -i "\bmariadb\b" -n wordpress \
-p wordpress-mariadb-0 -l "" "" -c mariadb
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-12-22T19:59:21Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-12-22T19:59:21Z", "createdBy": "ebbc0fde-da6d-4939-a9ad-0f8fd0d70f1c"}, "type": "application/astra-executionHook", "version": "1.2", "id": "2f4f0b8a-b1d1-4119-a185-1850c7550aa6", "name": "mdb-presnap", "hookType": "custom", "matchingCriteria": [{"type": "containerImage", "value": "\\bmariadb\\b"}, {"type": "namespaceName", "value": "wordpress"}, {"type": "podName", "value": "wordpress-mariadb-0"}, {"type": "podLabel", "value": ""}, {"type": "podLabel", "value": ""}, {"type": "containerName", "value": "mariadb"}], "action": "snapshot", "stage": "pre", "hookSourceID": "f402940e-c9ef-4c49-b5e8-4d126ab8d072", "arguments": [], "appID": "187f0f70-c879-40d4-87d4-64219612bc60", "enabled": "true"}
The create ldap
command allows you to set up a connection to a remote authentication server. For more information on this feature, please see the official docs. The high level command usage is:
actoolkit manage ldap <url-or-ip> <port> [--secure] \
--userBaseDN USERBASEDN [--userSearchFilter USERSEARCHFILTER] [--userLoginAttribute {mail,userPrincipalName}] \
Additional information on each argument is as follows:
: the URL or IP Address of the LDAP(S) serverport
: the port to be used for connectiong to the LDAP(S) server (typically389
for LDAP and636
for LDAPS)--secure
: specify to use LDAPS instead of LDAP- Service Account arguments:
: the username (in email format) of the service account used to connect to the LDAP server (required)-p
: the password of the service account used to connect to the LDAP server (required)
- User Match arguments:
: the user search base DN used when retrieving user information from the LDAP server (required)--userSearchFilter
: the user search filter used when retrieving user information from the LDAP server--userLoginAttribute
: the user login attribute to use (must be eithermail
- Group Match arguments:
: the group search base DN used when retrieving group information from the LDAP server (required)--groupSearchFilter
: an optional custom group search filter
This is an example command and response:
$ actoolkit manage ldap 389 -u [email protected] -p SA-Password --userBaseDN OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com --groupBaseDN OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com
{"type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "60a77224-a02d-403a-9c30-4aecc9ef984e", "name": "ldapBindCredential-service-account", "keyType": "generic", "valid": "true", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-15T14:04:43Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-15T14:04:43Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": [{"name": "", "value": "generic"}]}}
{"type": "application/astra-setting", "version": "1.1", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-11T13:39:50Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-15T14:04:43Z", "labels": [], "createdBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "modifiedBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d"}, "id": "32267c96-5da8-4174-bd59-1a4674aab7bf", "name": "astra.account.ldap", "desiredConfig": {"connectionHost": "", "credentialId": "60a77224-a02d-403a-9c30-4aecc9ef984e", "groupBaseDN": "OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com", "isEnabled": "true", "loginAttribute": "mail", "port": 389, "secureMode": "LDAP", "userBaseDN": "OU=e2e,DC=astra-example,DC=com", "userSearchFilter": "(objectClass=Person)", "vendor": "Active Directory"}, "currentConfig": {"connectionHost": "", "credentialId": "", "groupBaseDN": "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com", "groupSearchCustomFilter": "", "isEnabled": "false", "loginAttribute": "mail", "port": 636, "secureMode": "LDAPS", "userBaseDN": "ou=users,dc=example,dc=com", "userSearchFilter": "(objectClass=Person)", "vendor": "Active Directory"}, "configSchema": {"$schema": "", "title": "astra.account.ldap", "type": "object", "properties": {"connectionHost": {"type": "string", "description": "The hostname or IP address of your LDAP server."}, "credentialId": {"type": "string", "description": "The ID of the Astra credential containing the bind DN and credential."}, "groupBaseDN": {"type": "string", "description": "The base DN of the tree used to start the group search. The system searches the subtree from the specified location."}, "groupSearchCustomFilter": {"type": "string", "description": "A custom LDAP filter to use to search for groups"}, "isEnabled": {"type": "string", "description": "This property determines if this setting is enabled or not."}, "loginAttribute": {"type": "string", "description": "The LDAP attribute to be used to map to user email. Only mail or userPrincipalName is allowed."}, "port": {"type": "integer", "description": "The port on which the LDAP server is listening."}, "secureMode": {"type": "string", "description": "The secure mode LDAPS or LDAP."}, "userBaseDN": {"type": "string", "description": "The base DN of the tree used to start the user search. The system searches the subtree from the specified location."}, "userSearchFilter": {"type": "string", "description": "The filter used to search for users according to a search criteria."}, "vendor": {"type": "string", "description": "The LDAP provider you are using.", "enum": ["Active Directory"]}}, "additionalProperties": false, "required": ["connectionHost", "secureMode", "credentialId", "userBaseDN", "userSearchFilter", "groupBaseDN", "vendor", "isEnabled"]}, "state": "pending", "stateUnready": []}
The create protection
command allows you to create a protection policy for an application. The high level command usage is:
actoolkit create protection <appID> -g <granularity> <date/time args> \
-b <backupsToRetain> -s <snapshotsToRetain>
The <appID> argument can be gathered from a list apps command.
To configure a protection policy with all four protection schedules, the create protection
command must be ran four times, once for each level of granularity:
There are four total <date/time arguments>, which either must be entered, must not be entered, are optional, or not applicable, depending upon the granularity level chosen:
DateTime \ Granularity | Hourly | Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
-m / --minute |
Must | Optional | Optional | Optional |
-H / --hour |
Must Not | Must | Must | Must |
-W / --dayOfWeek |
N/A | N/A | Must | Must Not |
-M / --dayOfMonth |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Must |
The possible values for the <date/time arguments> are as follows:
: Between 0 and 59, inclusive, with 0 as the default if not specified.-H
: Between 0 and 23, inclusive (UTC).-W
: Between 0 and 6, inclusive, with 0 representing Sunday, and 6 Saturday.-M
: Between 1 and 31, inclusive.
The --backupRetention
and --snapshotRetention
arguments specify the number of backups and snapshots to store, respectively. Both arguments are required, and can be any number between 0 and 59, inclusive.
This example creates an hourly
protection schedule, on the 15 minute mark, while keeping the last two backups and last three snapshots.
$ actoolkit create protection a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd -g hourly \
-m 15 -b 2 -s 3
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "c94a0c35-4e24-4664-b3f5-211e5aecf498", "name": "hourly-cpesy", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "hourly", "minute": "15", "snapshotRetention": "3", "backupRetention": "2", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:03:23Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:03:23Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
This example creates a daily
protection schedule, at 05:30 UTC, while keeping the last two backups and last two snapshots.
$ actoolkit create protection a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd -g daily \
-H 5 -m 30 -b 2 -s 2
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "cbd5edd2-21c9-4283-a7cc-4eaae5c25952", "name": "daily-xok21", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "daily", "minute": "30", "hour": "5", "snapshotRetention": "2", "backupRetention": "2", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:07:54Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:07:54Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
This example creates a weekly
protection schedule, on Sundays at 04:45 UTC, while keeping the last backup and last snapshot.
$ actoolkit create protection a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd -g weekly \
-W 0 -H 4 -m 45 -b 1 -s 1
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "aa174808-4f8c-4a0b-839e-5ceecf7c0f2d", "name": "weekly-uh8hq", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "weekly", "minute": "45", "hour": "4", "dayOfWeek": "0", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:23:36Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:23:36Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
This example creates a monthly
protection schedule, on the 1st day of the month at 03:45 UTC, while keeping the last backup and last snapshot.
actoolkit create protection a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd -g monthly \
-M 1 -H 3 -m 45 -b 1 -s 1
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "f9dad3d7-a085-4e07-99be-88a90fc8362b", "name": "monthly-teds6", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "monthly", "minute": "45", "hour": "3", "dayOfMonth": "1", "snapshotRetention": "1", "backupRetention": "1", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:24:52Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-05-23T16:24:52Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab"}}
The create script
command allows you to create a script (aka hook source). The command usage is:
actoolkit create script <name> <filePath> -d <optionalDescription>
The name
argument is the friendly name of the script, which must not already exist on the system (a 400 error will be thrown if the name is not unique).
The filePath
argument must be the local filesystem location of the script, either relative or absolute path.
The -d
argument is completely optional, and can be placed anywhere after the third argument (script).
$ actoolkit create script cassandra ~/Verda/Cassandra/
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-02T14:44:00Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-02T14:44:00Z", "createdBy": "7cc9170d-d227-49ac-bf9e-6b080ce59524"}, "type": "application/astra-hookSource", "version": "1.0", "id": "6d1f7589-7f0b-4211-99f7-63f69e2495bf", "name": "cassandra", "private": "false", "preloaded": "false", "sourceType": "script", "source": "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", "sourceMD5Checksum": "9242a7d82682b9ef15fb460b28d1767a"}
$ actoolkit create script -d "example script upload" testScript
{"metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-08-02T14:41:51Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-08-02T14:41:51Z", "createdBy": "7cc9170d-d227-49ac-bf9e-6b080ce59524"}, "type": "application/astra-hookSource", "version": "1.0", "id": "b5cb8496-65e9-4e62-addf-bbfe08b7f3bd", "name": "testScript", "private": "false", "preloaded": "false", "sourceType": "script", "source": "IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKZWNobyAidGhpcyBpcyBqdXN0IGFuIGV4YW1wbGUi", "sourceMD5Checksum": "8ad9d02befca7ef9a0fd51f7ec4aebe7", "description": "test upload"}
The create replication
command allows you to create a replication policy for an application. It is currently only supported for ACC environments. The high level command usage is:
actoolkit create replication <appID> -c <destClusterID> -n <destNamespace> \
-s <destStorageClass> -f <replicationFrequency> -o <offset>
The <appID> argument can be gathered from a list apps command, and the <destClusterID> argument can be gathered from a list clusters command.
Both the <destStorageClass> and <offset> arguments are optional. If either are not provided, the default storage class on the destination cluster is used, and the replications are based off of 00:00.
$ actoolkit create replication 28efc6fa-324e-42fd-8cd8-e1aacd7ada2c \
-c 3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45 -n cassandra-repl -f 30m
{"type": "application/astra-appMirror", "version": "1.0", "id": "230f80a6-6312-4d14-a708-78b6b7826a6d", "sourceAppID": "28efc6fa-324e-42fd-8cd8-e1aacd7ada2c", "sourceClusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "destinationClusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaceMapping": [{"clusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "namespaces": ["cassandra"]}, {"clusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaces": ["cassandra-repl"]}], "state": "establishing", "stateTransitions": [{"from": "establishing", "to": ["established", "deleting"]}, {"from": "established", "to": ["failingOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failingOver", "to": ["failedOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failedOver", "to": ["establishing", "deleting"]}], "stateDesired": "established", "stateAllowed": ["established"], "stateDetails": [], "transferState": "idle", "transferStateTransitions": [{"from": "transferring", "to": ["idle"]}, {"from": "idle", "to": ["transferring"]}], "transferStateDetails": [], "healthState": "normal", "healthStateTransitions": [], "healthStateDetails": [], "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:49:55Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:49:55Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "72cee9b9-e994-47d1-80f0-ec5cc02c7cbe", "name": "replication-schedule-knwun", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "custom", "minute": "0", "recurrenceRule": "DTSTART:20220101T000000Z\nRRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=30", "snapshotRetention": "0", "backupRetention": "0", "replicate": "true", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:49:55Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:49:55Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
The <offset> argument can be provided in either a "hh:mm" or "mm" format. In this example, a snapshot is created and replicated at 01:22, 05:22, 09:22, and so on.
$ actoolkit create replication 0c6cbc25-cd47-4418-8cdb-833f1934a9c0 \
-c 3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45 -n wordpress-repl -f 4h -o 1:22
{"type": "application/astra-appMirror", "version": "1.0", "id": "a0342d41-3c9c-447f-9d61-650bee68c21a", "sourceAppID": "0c6cbc25-cd47-4418-8cdb-833f1934a9c0", "sourceClusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "destinationClusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaceMapping": [{"clusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "namespaces": ["wordpress2"]}, {"clusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaces": ["wordpress-repl"]}], "state": "establishing", "stateTransitions": [{"from": "establishing", "to": ["established", "deleting"]}, {"from": "established", "to": ["failingOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failingOver", "to": ["failedOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failedOver", "to": ["establishing", "deleting"]}], "stateDesired": "established", "stateAllowed": ["established"], "stateDetails": [], "transferState": "idle", "transferStateTransitions": [{"from": "transferring", "to": ["idle"]}, {"from": "idle", "to": ["transferring"]}], "transferStateDetails": [], "healthState": "normal", "healthStateTransitions": [], "healthStateDetails": [], "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:52:57Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:52:57Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "a81b0cdf-af1e-4194-ab61-ccc8c8ff21ab", "name": "replication-schedule-h4fyv", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "custom", "minute": "0", "recurrenceRule": "DTSTART:20220101T012200Z\nRRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=4", "snapshotRetention": "0", "backupRetention": "0", "replicate": "true", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:52:57Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:52:57Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
This example specifies a destination storage class of "ontap-gold" with a snapshot being created and replicated at 00:07, 00:37, 01:07, and so on.
$ actoolkit create replication 28efc6fa-324e-42fd-8cd8-e1aacd7ada2c \
-c 3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45 -n cassandra-repl -s ontap-gold \
-f 30m -o 7
{"type": "application/astra-appMirror", "version": "1.0", "id": "d7ab2644-ce0b-464c-b93a-e78317a3e243", "sourceAppID": "28efc6fa-324e-42fd-8cd8-e1aacd7ada2c", "sourceClusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "destinationClusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaceMapping": [{"clusterID": "7b4620be-cc20-4680-8ae7-2048dbd872c8", "namespaces": ["cassandra"]}, {"clusterID": "3ee521b3-e0dc-4d36-9fe7-3a7945e4ce45", "namespaces": ["cassandra-repl"]}], "state": "establishing", "stateTransitions": [{"from": "establishing", "to": ["established", "deleting"]}, {"from": "established", "to": ["failingOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failingOver", "to": ["failedOver", "deleting"]}, {"from": "failedOver", "to": ["establishing", "deleting"]}], "stateDesired": "established", "stateAllowed": ["established"], "stateDetails": [], "transferState": "idle", "transferStateTransitions": [{"from": "transferring", "to": ["idle"]}, {"from": "idle", "to": ["transferring"]}], "transferStateDetails": [], "healthState": "normal", "healthStateTransitions": [], "healthStateDetails": [], "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:59:17Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:59:17Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
{"type": "application/astra-schedule", "version": "1.1", "id": "f978c627-5448-4418-b81d-093b776a0591", "name": "replication-schedule-rxs83", "enabled": "true", "granularity": "custom", "minute": "0", "recurrenceRule": "DTSTART:20220101T000700Z\nRRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=30", "snapshotRetention": "0", "backupRetention": "0", "replicate": "true", "metadata": {"labels": [], "creationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:59:44Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-09T14:59:44Z", "createdBy": "a4569807-c217-4105-abbb-04ccc5ea6047"}}
The create snapshot
command allows you to take an ad-hoc snapshot. The command usage is:
actoolkit create snapshot <optionalBackgroundArg> <appID> <snapshotName>
When the optional --background
argument is not specified, the command polls for the status of the snapshot operation every 5 seconds (which can be overridden by the --pollTimer
argument), and reports back once complete.
$ actoolkit create snapshot a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd 20220523-cli-snap1
Starting snapshot of a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd
Waiting for snapshot to complete.....complete!
When the optional --background
argument is specified, the command simply initiates the snapshot task, and leaves it to the user to validate the snapshot completion.
$ actoolkit create snapshot -b a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd 20220523-cli-snap2
Starting snapshot of a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd
Background snapshot flag selected, run 'list snapshots' to get status
$ actoolkit list snapshots
| appID | snapshotName | snapshotID | snapshotState |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | wordpress-snapshot-20220523161542 | 04354edd-3f53-4479-9829-ca3723021c3e | completed |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | 20220523-cli-snap1 | 136c0d8e-d4a7-4034-a846-021f0afc0b2b | completed |
| a643b5dc-bfa0-4624-8bdd-5ad5325f20fd | 20220523-cli-snap2 | 3cb65a44-62a1-4157-a314-3840b761c6c8 | ready |
The create user
command allows you to create either a local (for ACC environments), LDAP (for ACC environments), or cloud-central (for ACS environments) user (and associated roleBinding). The command usage is:
actoolkit create user <email> <role> <-p TEMPPASSWORD | --ldap> \
<-f optional firstName> <-l optional lastName> \
<-a optional labelConstraint> <-n optional namespaceConstraint>
The role argument must be one of the following four values:
- viewer
- member
- admin
- owner
For local (ACC environments) users, the -p
argument is required. This password must be changed after the user's first login.
$ actoolkit create user [email protected] member -p ThisIsAStrongPass123$ -f John -l Doe
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-user", "version": "1.2", "id": "6b1551db-b7fa-473d-a05c-43524badb11b", "authProvider": "local", "authID": "[email protected]", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "companyName": "", "email": "[email protected]", "postalAddress": {"addressCountry": "", "addressLocality": "", "addressRegion": "", "streetAddress1": "", "streetAddress2": "", "postalCode": ""}, "state": "active", "sendWelcomeEmail": "false", "isEnabled": "true", "isInviteAccepted": "true", "enableTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "lastActTimestamp": ""}
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "user", "version": "1.1", "id": "ef8e5a91-13aa-4fac-96f7-26c78d619414", "userID": "6b1551db-b7fa-473d-a05c-43524badb11b", "groupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "accountID": "61edc0b9-0695-47d2-bdeb-4ad5a4ed65e1", "role": "member", "roleConstraints": ["*"]}
{"type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "6117fa73-de5b-4976-b178-8d5a1e2352dc", "name": "6b1551db-b7fa-473d-a05c-43524badb11b", "keyType": "passwordHash", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T20:46:16Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": [{"name": "", "value": "passwordHash"}]}}
For LDAP (ACC Environments) users, the --ldap
argument must be specified, along with an email address that is present in your LDAP server (see list ldapusers for information on how to query LDAP for users).
$ actoolkit create user [email protected] member --ldap
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:09:50Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:09:50Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-user", "version": "1.2", "id": "67939b62-cc2c-4b5f-9a38-7dd189630227", "authProvider": "ldap", "authID": "", "firstName": "michael", "lastName": "tester", "companyName": "", "email": "[email protected]", "postalAddress": {"addressCountry": "", "addressLocality": "", "addressRegion": "", "streetAddress1": "", "streetAddress2": "", "postalCode": ""}, "state": "active", "sendWelcomeEmail": "false", "isEnabled": "true", "isInviteAccepted": "true", "enableTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:09:50Z", "lastActTimestamp": ""}
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:09:50Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2024-03-18T17:09:50Z", "createdBy": "a33e249d-45c4-4f33-8483-a8b0b5b1236d", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "user", "version": "1.1", "id": "347c809a-3299-49b2-b15b-dfeab33cadf9", "userID": "67939b62-cc2c-4b5f-9a38-7dd189630227", "groupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "accountID": "1792ed1d-d55f-4a98-b07d-532b17ac2e77", "role": "member", "roleConstraints": ["*"]}
For cloud-central (ACS environments) users, the -p
and --ldap
arguments are not needed. Instead, the user will be emailed an invitation to join the account.
$ actoolkit create user [email protected] viewer -f John -l Doe
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T21:01:37Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T21:01:37Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-user", "version": "1.2", "id": "b7d87db3-1896-4e03-b2ad-63b873244b53", "authProvider": "cloud-central", "authID": "", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "companyName": "", "email": "[email protected]", "postalAddress": {"addressCountry": "", "addressLocality": "", "addressRegion": "", "streetAddress1": "", "streetAddress2": "", "postalCode": ""}, "state": "pending", "sendWelcomeEmail": "true", "isEnabled": "true", "isInviteAccepted": "false", "enableTimestamp": "2022-09-30T21:01:37Z", "lastActTimestamp": ""}
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T21:01:38Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-09-30T21:01:38Z", "createdBy": "8146d293-d897-4e16-ab10-8dca934637ab", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "user", "version": "1.1", "id": "4d732ae4-d0cd-4c65-aee8-98efc6a88140", "userID": "b7d87db3-1896-4e03-b2ad-63b873244b53", "groupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "accountID": "fc018f3d-e807-4fa7-98d5-fbe43be9aaa0", "role": "viewer", "roleConstraints": ["*"]}
Finally, any number of labelConstraints (-a
) and/or namespaceConstraints (-n
) can be provided (note that multiple values can be provided, either with space separated values, or specifying the argument again).
$ actoolkit create user [email protected] member -p ThisIsAStrongPass123$ \
-a name=jenkins -a name=cicd-jenkins \
-n dc3e076d-e104-47cd-b986-523017e85f27 f73ccf3c-65bb-47e0-9f62-0477a4dd7e89
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-user", "version": "1.2", "id": "52a0f1db-f1c9-469b-b173-3d4d5d85f61a", "authProvider": "local", "authID": "[email protected]", "firstName": "", "lastName": "", "companyName": "", "email": "[email protected]", "postalAddress": {"addressCountry": "", "addressLocality": "", "addressRegion": "", "streetAddress1": "", "streetAddress2": "", "postalCode": ""}, "state": "active", "sendWelcomeEmail": "false", "isEnabled": "true", "isInviteAccepted": "true", "enableTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "lastActTimestamp": ""}
{"metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": []}, "type": "application/astra-roleBinding", "principalType": "user", "version": "1.1", "id": "5e870f0d-e892-414f-942e-49001e97165e", "userID": "52a0f1db-f1c9-469b-b173-3d4d5d85f61a", "groupID": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "accountID": "61edc0b9-0695-47d2-bdeb-4ad5a4ed65e1", "role": "member", "roleConstraints": ["namespaces:id='dc3e076d-e104-47cd-b986-523017e85f27'.*", "namespaces:id='f73ccf3c-65bb-47e0-9f62-0477a4dd7e89'.*", "namespaces:kubernetesLabels='name=jenkins'.*", "namespaces:kubernetesLabels='name=cicd-jenkins'.*"]}
{"type": "application/astra-credential", "version": "1.1", "id": "61da64d2-d39b-47cf-b8bc-d8a3443c2cba", "name": "52a0f1db-f1c9-469b-b173-3d4d5d85f61a", "keyType": "passwordHash", "metadata": {"creationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "modificationTimestamp": "2022-10-03T14:57:41Z", "createdBy": "2b7a3f5e-c7da-4835-bfe2-6dd51c9b1444", "labels": [{"name": "", "value": "passwordHash"}]}}