Welcome to PBAX, a full-stack database website project focused on protein-protein interaction data. This project is developed as part of the CS2220 course.
PBAX aims to provide a comprehensive database for managing and exploring protein-protein interaction data. The technology stack employed includes MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) with TypeScript, Vite, and Material UI. The primary features of the application include quick search, advanced search, column filtering, and sorting capabilities.
The project utilizes the following technology stack:
- MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js): A popular stack for building web applications, known for its scalability and flexibility.
- TypeScript: Enhances code quality and maintainability by adding static typing to JavaScript.
- Vite: A fast and minimalistic build tool for JavaScript and TypeScript projects.
- Material UI: A design framework for creating beautiful and responsive user interfaces.
The key features of the project include:
Quick Search: Users can perform quick searches to find specific protein-protein interaction data easily.
Advanced Search: Advanced search capabilities allow users to refine their queries using various filters and criteria.
Column Filtering: Users can filter columns within the dataset to focus on specific information.
Sorting: Sorting options enable users to organize data based on different attributes, aiding in data analysis.
PBAX has been successfully deployed:
To run the project on local, follow these steps:
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/NereusWB922/cs2220-db-project.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd cs2220-db-project
Install the project dependencies for both the server and client:
cd client npm install cd ../server npm install
Configure database connection and environment variables.
Start botht the server and client applications concurrently:
cd client npm run dev cd ../server npm run dev
This command will run the server and client development servers simultaneously. You can access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:5173.
- Quick Search feature
- Advanced Search functionality
- Column Filtering capabilities
- Sorting options
- Analytics Page