Skill used to provide information about Neon
No special required packages for this skill.
This skill provides information about Neon. You can ask about licensing and your Neon installation.
- "neon tell me my license"
- "neon tell me my skills"
neon tell me my skills
>> You have the following skills installed: about, alerts, audio record, avmusic, caffeinewiz,
controls, custom conversation, date time, device control center, eliza 1965 chatbot, fallback duck
duck go, fallback unknown, fallback wolfram alpha, i like brands, i like coupons, ip address,
joke, launcher, messaging, mycroft pairing, openhab, personal, speak, speed test, spelling, stock,
stop, support helper, synonyms, translation, usb cam, volume, weather, wifi setup, wiki
neon tell me my license
>> Copyright 2019 Neongecko Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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