A game engine for 2D pixel game powered by C++ (自家用).
Project will not be maintained later.
- Drag spirits to decorate your scenes
- Import images, music, animations from other software
- Use components to implement your games
- Encapsulated box2D, OpenGL and so on
- Support for Lua as script language
- Designed classes for map, dialog, object and so on
- Encrypt your resources
- AI modules for your NPC
- Provide interfaces for advanced researches in game AI
- ...
- Graphic Editor
- GLEW 2.1.0
- GLFW 3.3.2
- RapidJSON 1.1.0
- FreeType 2.10.3
- SOIL2 1.20
- glm
- Lua 5.2.4
- Lua Bridge 2.6
- SoLoud 20200207
- Aseprite 1.2.25dev
- Snappy 1.1.8
- Box2d 2.4.1
Thanks for these open source developers!
We'll use Google's C++ style guide:
However, here are some exceptions:
- The first alphabet of function name should be lower case
- Tabs should be used, and should be equivalent to 4 spaces. There is no space before the keywords
- The underline after the name of class members should be moved to the front of the name
- Stream will be used for conversion
- Humphrey_Yang
- riceblast
- JzJerry
- PtCu
- youyadefeng
- yxlei
- Chin
- sonikk
- AlohaWorld