Passport.ET + Containerized Deployment 🐳
A simple way to look if your passport is ready to collect and which day of the week you should collect. It is Role & Permission based site with PDF to SQLite(MarianaDB for prod) parsing, Queued jubs for PDF parsing in the background, Automated daily updates, Payment integration with Chapa payment gateway!
- Current Demo
- Rate Limmiting
- Landing Page
- Pricing Section
- Payment Integration with Chapa
- Dashboard Page
- Search By Name or Request Number
- Permission based Admin routes for data entery
- Searching Only by Name or by any related feilds
- Detailed info about your Passport and where to pick it up
- Paginated list of Latest Passport ready for pick up
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git clone
docker-compose up -d --build
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A detailed description of what the PR does. The issue number (if applicable). Any additional information that may help with the review process.
Please follow the PSR-12 coding standards for PHP code and use ESLint rules for JavaScript code.
If you encounter a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the repository. Provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue or a description of the requested feature.