author: Mateusz Najsztub [email protected]
date: 08/04/2016
This piece of software is designed to analyse housing market data for Szczecin, Poland scraped using Portia from website. This is a recording of my efforts to learn programming in Python together with some basics of data analysis in software other than commercial Stata, which I seemed to actually like after nearly 3 years of working with it.
We will see how far will this fun-project go. My intentions are to try my best at Machine Learning at some point. We will see...
- Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib
- Pandas
- Seaborn
- Statsmodel
- ScikitLearn
- Scrapy
- gensim
- Smopy
- Flask
- Added NLP part 2 tutorial file.
- Moved packages to data folder.
- Started project with data cleaning finction, simple OLS regression example and NLP bag of words tutorial part 1 file.