A Blockchain and NFT technology based mobile app that allows user to trade images and clips of their artworks (such as paintings, digital drawings or photography collectibles or any other digital assest) with other users and raise funds for donating it to good cause. This app is not a user-specific app and anyone who is interested in photography, paintings or even likes gathering artworks can use app, for helping those who require funds (like those who cannot afford to pay hospitalization fees).
- The app allows users to create NFTs of their collectibles, trade with other users to raise funds for a social cause, with the help of a mobile app, which ensures easy access of the project to all the users from anywhere.
- User-friendly interface for easy navigation through all the in-app functionality.
- Use of Blockchain technology for decentralised, immutable, trackable and hence more secure transaction.
- NFTs for tamperless and authorized data assests that are used for sharing
Home Section displays all the transactions and history of transfer of ownership of the NFTs after any trade in chosen chain, providing all the details of the transactions.
User can upload any of their artwork which they wish to trade with it's name, description, wallet ID, and the blockchain type, create then "mint" the nft and add it to the chain, for other users to trade and collect funds.
The Android development tool for processing the concept as our mobile app.
Retrofit is a popular open-source library for Android app development that simplifies the process of making network requests to a backend server
Used in all the backend development and implementing Verbwire API into our project.
The app is solely governed by this API for all the transactions and management of data. It is an all-in-one solution to all complexity of implementing NFT and Blockchain development. Verbwire allows programmers to get data on NFTs, upload your files to IPFS, deploy contracts across chains, mint NFTs, and send your NFTs across multiple blockchains.
Non-fungible tokens used to enhance the genuinity and security of the data assests to safeguard it from frauds
Used to track and manage all the transactions done using our app, keeping it free from interference and ensuring "no trust issues" by the use of smart contracts.
Decentralised Storage
The use of Decentralised Storage removes the control of the data by a single entity or organization. This makes it more resilient to attacks and provides greater transparency and accountability.
Install project with npm
npm install
# To Run
npm start