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Hilmar Lapp edited this page Mar 16, 2015 · 5 revisions

The hackathon takes place Monday - Friday, March 16-20, 2015.

Day 1

9.00-9.15am Welcome (Hilmar)

9.15-10.15am Introductions and What motivates us

  • Everyone has 2 minutes.
  • Say your name and affiliation, followed by what you most hope to work on and/or get out of this event.

10.15-10.45am Coffee Break

10.45-11.30am Opening talks

  • Stéphanie Manel
  • Eric Archer
  • Michelle DePrenger-Levin

11.30-11.50am Target project ideation - Open Space

  • Intro & Rules (<5 minutes)
  • Groups of 3 formulate a project idea as a pitch.

11.50am-12.30pm First round of pitches - Open Space

  • Do: pitch, ask for or suggest clarifications, express support
  • Don't: question ideas, criticize, unless it is about being in scope

12.30-2.00pm Lunch

2.00-3.00pm Discussion and revision of pitches - Open Space

  • Initial leaders can pass on leadership.
  • Project pitches may be revised, merged, or abandoned.
  • What and who do you need for the project to be feasible? Projects may need much less than but should not require more than 4 days to achieve a critical mass of work.
  • Be either learning or contributing - Law of Two Feet.

3.00-3:30pm Formation of teams - Open Space

  • Revised set of project pitches.
  • Ensure everybody has a "home".

3.30-3:45pm Coffee break

3:45pm Work in teams

5.30pm Shuttle(s) to hotel leave

Day 2

Teams work on their self-determined schedule for coffee and lunch breaks. Coffee will be available at least 10.15-10.45am and 3.15-3.45pm. There are three fixed points:

  • 12 - 1pm Thibaut Jombart: "Towards an open-source, unified platform for disease outbreak analysis using R" (seminar, bring your own lunch)
  • 2pm Standups - brief updates from each team on status, accomplishments, and roadblocks (if any)
  • 5.30pm Shuttle(s) to hotel leave

Day 3

Teams work on their self-determined schedule for coffee and lunch breaks. Coffee will be available at least 10.15-10.45am and 3.15-3.45pm. There are two fixed points:

  • 2pm Standups - brief updates from each team on status, accomplishments, and roadblocks (if any)
  • 5.30pm Shuttle(s) to hotel leave

Day 4

Teams work on their self-determined schedule for coffee and lunch breaks. Coffee will be available at least 10.15-10.45am and 3.15-3.45pm. There are two fixed points:

  • 2pm Standups - brief updates from each team on status, accomplishments, and roadblocks (if any)
  • 5.30pm Shuttle(s) to hotel leave

Day 5

9am - 1.30pm Teams work

  • Schedule for coffee and lunch break self-determined by teams. Coffee will be available at least 10.15-10.45am.

1.30pm Report-outs and Wrap up

  • Each team reports accomplishments, status, and post-hackathon plans.
  • Review of the week - what worked well and what didn't.
  • Looking forward - things we can do to help facilitate activities, results, and community impact post-hackathon.

Shuttles to the airport: T.B.D.

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