- 興大的計資中心有按照我的需求產出一份類似json的東西 但時常會出現不合法的字元,使得整份json噴掉,且計中提供的格式是format過的,所以這個parser可以將它minify、過濾資料內空白、空行,倘若學校資料來源不幸無法運作,請採用替代方案:
- 使用自製的Crawler
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-dev
git clone [email protected]:NCHUSG/Python-Crawler.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Change your directory to this project
cd /path/to/project
- Use Crontab to make crawler automatically run in background
crontab -e
- Paste the command below into the bottom of the crontab file :
- 獲得全部課程 ( For all Course )
* * * * * python3 CoursePickingHelperCrawler.py
若沒有這個資料夾會產生exception 並直接將json儲存在當前目底下 輸出 JSON 格式
"course": [
"class": "1",
"code": "1032",
"credits": "2",
"credits_parsed": 2,
"department": "環境工程學系學士班",
"discipline": "",
"enrolled_num": "0",
"for_dept": "環境工程學系學士班",
"hours": "2",
"hours_parsed": "2",
"intern_location": [
"intern_time": "",
"language": "中文",
"location": [
"note": "",
"number": "52",
"number_parsed": 52,
"obligatory": "選修",
"obligatory_tf": false,
"prerequisite": "",
"professor": "望熙榮",
"time": "412",
"time_parsed": [
"day": 4,
"time": [
"title": "R程式在環工之應用 `Application of R Program on Environmental Engineering",
"title_parsed": {
"en_US": "Application of R Program on Environmental Engineering",
"zh_TW": "R程式在環工之應用"
"url": "1415",
"year": "半"
- python3.4
For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- 邱冠喻 - Initial work - Pastleo
- 戴均民 - Initial work - taichunmin
- 黃川哲 - Initial work - CJHwong
- 張泰瑋 david
This project is licensed under the GNU 3.0 License - see the LICENSE.md file for details