Releases: NCAR/PyReshaper
PyReshaper Version 1.1.1
PyReshaper Version 1.1.0
- Adding support for Python 3!!! Dropping support for Python 2.
- Major refactor of testing suite. Now uses pytests, adds code coverage,
implements pre-commit hooks, adds parallel testing.
PyReshaper version 1.0.6
New features include:
- Renabled PyNIO option as a backend. Works with PyNIO 1.5.0.
- Adding feature to impose
option to NetCDF4-python,
which saves the data to file using compression and "bit truncation" (i.e.,
lossy compression) - Adding ability to set the read and write chunk-sizes separately
- Adding feature to ignore specific time-invariable metadata by name
PyReshaper version 1.0.5
This release adds a new feature enabling the use of an additional "metadata" file as input. In previous versions, the names of the metadata variables are pulled from the first time-slice file in the input files given to the Reshaper. With this optional feature, the user can specify an additional "metafile" (with the --metafile FILENAME
option to s2smake
) to provide metadata variables that should be added to each time-series output file. All time-invariant metadata variables from this metafile will be added to all output time-series files.
PyReshaper Version 1.0.4 Release
This release includes some updates and bugfixes.
Bugfix Release 3
Merge pull request #34 from NCAR/devel Latest updates and bugfixes for public testing
PyReshaper Version 1.0.1 Release
Bugfixes and some updated comments
PyReshaper Version 1.0.0 Release!
New Features:
- New I/O backend manager. Can work with netCDF4 or PyNIO.
- Removing hierarchy to Reshaper classes, as there is only 1 (similarly
removing hierarchy of matching Specifier classes) - No longer requires PyNIO to install...but you need netCDF4 or PyNIO to
run the reshaper! - Adding ability to treat all 1D time-dependent variables as metadata
with only one command-line option - Adding ability to extract out only some time-series files, instead of
requiring all time-series files be extracted. This option should be
used sparingly and with caution! - Adding the ability to "chunk" over user-specified dimensions when
reading and writing. This finally allows for some control over memory
Version 0.9.10 Release
This release completes a back-porting of the PyReshaper to Python 2.6.
You can't always guaranty that everyone has 2.7!
Version 0.9.9 Release
Merge pull request #17 from NCAR/devel Removing version requirements from setup