Releases: NCAR/DART
Releases · NCAR/DART
filter_assim refactor
Refactoring filter assim:
- Each process calculates increments vs. previously only one process would do this for each observation. So more elements in the broadcast/send receive, and redundant (but simultaneous) calculation by each process. This is to allow future implementation of new assimilation algorithms
Code readability changes:
- removed timing variables
- get_close caching moved inside subroutine
- adaptive localization moved into subroutine
- cov_factor and adjust_obs_impact moved into subroutine
- Call new subroutines in adaptive_inflate_mod:
- update_single_state_space_inflation, update_varying_state_space_inflation
Bug fix for groups when used with posterior spatially-varying adaptive inflation
Removed the additional outlier threshold test for each group when using posterior spatially-varying adaptive inflation.
The outlier test is done for the entire ensemble when the posterior forward operators are computed.
CLM Snow Water Equivalent
Added snow repartitioning scheme to CLM-DART. Pre release version.
- Recommended for CLM only. If using other models, please checkout the latest version of DART.
- Uses CLM 5 and CESM 2.2. Not backwards compatible with older versions of CLM.
Improved observation converter documentation
- Improved radar observation converter documentation
- Fixed CHAMP converter links
bug fix for very large models
Bug fixes for models where the number of elements in the state exceeds 2^31-1:
- mpi_utilities_mod using correct check for message length > SNDRCV_MAXSIZE
- new developers test for large message sizes
- State vector IO updated to use i8 for state indexing
- WRF model_mod now using i8
bug fix for perfect_model_obs input.nml options
perfect_model_obs now exits cleanly if the user has not provided input_state_files or output_state_files.
Previously, blank entries (" ") for these namelist items could cause perfect_model_obs to hang.
Repository clean-up and DART registration form
removed obsolete code:
- cam-old
- restart_file_tool
- html boilerplate from pre-readthedocs documentation
- null versions of clamp_mod and vert_convert_mod
- io test harnesses
- jekyll website
removed experimental code:
- pnetcdf (for restart files)
- filter.separate_seq (split obs_seq across cores)
Registration info now on the GitHub
NAG compiler fixes and updates to developer tests
- bug fix for fixsytem for the NAG compiler
- new developer test for mpi one-sided communication
- removed obsolete async 4 developer tests
WRF-Hydro diagnostics
Improved DART diagnostics for WRF-Hydro
Documentation and template update
- External forward operator documentation
- Typo fixes for GitHub templates