Releases: NCAR/DART
Releases · NCAR/DART
Pangu-Weather interface for DART
contributed by Dr. Nuo Chen, University of Oklahoma
AMS 2025 poster: Pangu-DART: Enabling Ensemble Kalman Filter Data Assimilation for ML-Based Numerical Weather Prediction Models
Bug-fix: Gamma and Beta Distributions
Bug fixes:
- Beta distribution only supporting standard Beta, bounded 0-1. #717
- Gamma distribution only supporting standard, lower bound 0. #786
- Beta and Gamma bounds are forced in the QCEFF table.
- Explicitly setting distribution type, now have UNSET.
- Message about failing to converge changed to E_ALLMSG to be visible
on all MPI ranks. If you get a significant increase in output, please email [email protected] to let us know - remove unused test_obs directory #220
Bug-fix MOM6 potential temperature
Bug-fix 1D obs_diag
Developer tests
- Tests for distribution modules: normal, beta, gamma
- Removed out-of-date tests for state IO
MPAS ATM bug-fixes
POP initial ensemble available from GDEX
Documentation update:
MPI window memory reduction
- Removes unnecessary copy of state into MPI window.
- Removes cray pointer version of the MI window.
We do not expect this internal change to the MPI window to affect users, however if this change causes problems with particular MPI libraries or you are making use of the cray-pointer window, please reach out to [email protected]
- Fortran-testanything included in developer tests.
From dennisdjensen: see developer_tests/contrib/fortran-testanything/LICENSE.txt
Bug-fixes: WRF and GOES
- It is now mandatory to use THM as the Temperature variable (type_t) in the WRF model_nml #728
- Removed the offset in the GOES observation converter #731
Please be aware that when using RTTOV with DART you should confirm that the channels listed in the coefficient file match the channel in the obs_seq.out
For more detail refer to the obs_def_rttov documentation