An implementation of EdgeSegNet in Pytorch, CamSeg01 dataset is used for training
Repo containes :
EdgeSegNet.ipynb Notebook taking care of downloading the dataset, training, plotting and prediction examples.
- entry point script which does all the downloading and setting up of the dataset, training and plotting graphs and prediction example
- is currently implemented in the exact architecture detailed in the paper, but could be modified easily.
- custom modules are also implemented as Pytorch modules.
- a Pytorch Dataset for CamSeg01, downloads and unzips imgs.
Default params will yield 90% val accuracy withing 40-50 epochs, 2 min on colab gpu
usage: [-h] [--learning-rate lr] [--batch-size B] [--n_epochs N]
[--gamma G] [--scheduler-step S]
A Training script for EdgeSegNet ::
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--learning-rate lr Default 0.001, initial learning rate for the Adam optimizer, scheduled by StepLR
--batch-size B Default 16, Batch size for both train and validation, keep in mind the dataset has a total of 101 imgs only
--n_epochs N Default 50, number of training epochs
--gamma G Default 0.95, Multiplicative factor of learning rate decay
--scheduler-step S Default 25, Scheduler step, each S epochs learning rate is updated