Application for integrating with Yandex AppMetrica
Yandex Docs
Before using API it is necessary:
- Get application id from your account in
- [Generate access token](
Create API instance:
from appmetrica.push.api import PushAPI api = PushAPI(application_id, access_token)
Create group to combine the sending in the report:
group_id = api.create_group('test-push-1', send_rate=500)
Pass group_id, device list and message to send_push method and call:
from appmetrica.push.api import TokenTypes transfer_id = api.send_push(group_id, devices=devices, ios_message=ios_message, android_message=android_message, tag='harry potter') devices - list of token objects like: [ { "id_type": TokenTypes.APPMETRICA_DEVICE_ID, "id_values": ["123456789", "42"] }, { "id_type": TokenTypes.IOS_IFA, "id_values": ["8A690667-6204-4A6A-9B38-85DE016....."] }, { "id_type": TokenTypes.ANDROID_PUSH_TOKEN, "id_values": ["eFfxdO7uCMw:APA91bF1tN3X3BAbiJXsQhk-..."] } ] ios_message - push message for ios devices android_message - push message for android devices: { "silent": false, "content": { "title": "string", "text": "string", "sound": "disable", "data": "string" } }
To check status of push call check_status method:
status = api.check_status(transfer_id)
Create API instance:
from appmetrica.push.api import PushAPI api = PushAPI(application_id, access_token)
Get list of groups
group_id = api.get_groups()
Create API instance:
from appmetrica.export.api import ExportAPI api = ExportAPI(application_id, access_token)
Call push_tokens method with necessary fields:
data = api.export_push_tokens('token', 'ios_ifa', 'google_aid')
Create API instance:
from appmetrica.export.api import ExportAPI api = ExportAPI(application_id, access_token)
Call push_tokens method with necessary fields:
date_till = date_from = date_till - timedelta(days=7) data = api.export_installations('ios_ifv', date_from=date_from, date_till=date_till)
Install twine globally:
pip install twine
Don't forget to bump the package version:
__version__ = '1.0.5'
Build the release:
python sdist bdist_wheel
Publish the release on PyPi:
twine upload dist/*