Magnetar is a distance-ranging coil gun platform.
This system is designed to utilize commercially available LiDAR modules for distance-based energy correction. As a projectile from a coil gun flies through the air energy is lost through drag. The goal of this project was to create a model to correct for this loss so projectiles impact with consistent energy.
This system utilizes a simple revolving design to house multiple projectiles for subsequent firing. These projectiles are standard-length Nerf darts combined with a ferromagnetic insert (M4x12mm Bolt with bolt head against inner tip of dart). The coil used is 215 turns of 18 AWG enameled copper magnet wire. This is wrapped along a 45mm 3D-printed PLA shaft. To calculate the corrected velocity necessary to overcome drag energy losses an iterative equation is used. Essentially, out to a set amount of resolution drag losses are added to the projectile's target impact velocity. The target velocity is found using the kinetic energy formula or:
From this target velocity drag is added over set time intervals modeled by the equation:
In this equation,
Finally, the voltage necessary to achieve this velocity is calculated using the formula of:
The Magnetar project files include the following:
- Fully modular and customizable software.
- A modular data logging program and corresponding visual studio project files to intercept serial port communication for dumping into .XLSX formats.
- All 3D files in .STL format for additive manufacturing.
- Data from testing the system at various 1-meter distances.
- Full circuit schematic of the design.
- Flow charts for all code present.
- Sample BOM for at-home fabrication.
Currently, the firmware allows for the configuration of:
- Pins for circuit control and HID.
- Capacitance of system.
- Efficiency constant of the coil.
- Mass of dart projectile.
- Cross-sectional area of the projectile.
- Density of environment.
- Maximum voltage for capacitors.
- Table output.
- Switching between full and auto-ranging power.
- Target energy.