This project aims to implement a multiple user blog web application using Google App Engine. It allows users to sign up for a new account and log in after signing up. Users can look through the latest posts with or without logging in. It also allows users to search for a particular post by post id and create a new post after logging in. For any post, post owner can edit the post or delete the post. Other logged in users can make comments and like or unlike the post. The owener of the comment ia allowed to edit his/her comment or delete the comment.
Hope you enjoy this project!
- Languages: Python, HTML, CSS
- Libraries:
- webapp2: from Google App Engine, used for running this application.
- db: from Google App Engine, used for storing user information and posts data
- Jinjia: python template engine, used for inline expressions and sandboxed environment.
- hashlib and hmac: Python built-in library, used for secure cookies and passwords by hashing.
- Front page: provides different options for users to choose. If action taken is not appropriate, error message will show up for the corresponding action. Wherever you are, click the title with the "heart" labels will return back tho this main page.
- Login: allows returning users to log in. If username does not exist or password is wrong, error message will display.
- Signup: allows the new user to sign up for a new account. If username already exists or passwords not match, error message will display.
- Latest posts: gives a list of the latest posts. Each post has the title of the post, the author of the post, the date created for the post and the content of the post.
- Find a particular post: allows users to search for a particular post by post id which will be shown on the URL after the user create a new post.
- Create a new post: allows users who are logged in to create a new post. If the user are not logged in, error message will display. If not both subject and content for the blog are filled, error message will display.
- Post management: allows users to manage their own posts. They can edit or delete their post.
- Post comment: enables any logged in user to comment on any posts. Users can also manage their own comments. They can edit or delete their comments. (Users who are not logged in can only see the latest posts)
- Post like: allows any logged in user to like and unlike any posts and the number of total likes is also shown under the post. (Users who are not logged in can only see the latest posts)
- Logout: allows users to log out from current account.
- This web app is responsive for different viewports.
- Install Python version 2.7.
- Install Google App Engine SDK.
- Sign Up for a Google App Engine Account.
- Create a new project in Google’s Developer Console using a unique name.
- Download or clone
- Follow the App Engine Quickstart to get this project app up and running.
This is a project for practicing skills in databses and backend courses not for any business use. Some templates are used from Udacity FSND program. Please contact me if you think it violates your rights.