Atlas is a command-line tool that helps you initialize and develop your Express-Typescript applications.
Precompiled binaries can be found in the releases section of this project. Once the appropriate binary has been downloaded run the following commands:
Linux and macOS
tar -zxvf <binary>.tar.gz
sudo mv <binary> /usr/local/bin/atlas
#Open powershell as admin
tar -zxvf <binary>.tar.gz
mv <binary> C:\WINDOWS\system32\atlas.exe
npm install -g atlas-generator
atlas help
Provides a description and usage instructions for the provided command.
$ atlas help <command>
NOTE: The --help (-h) flag can be used with any command for the same effect.
atlas create
Creates a new express-typescript project.
$ atlas create <name> [options]
- name: name of the project
- --port, -p: the default port of the server
- --db-url: the default mongodb url
atlas console
Loads the express application into a node console for easier debugging.
atlas console [options]
- --db-url: the mongodb url to which the console will connect
atlas generate
Generates a new resrouce of specified type. Currently, we support:
- model
- router
- route
$ atlas generate <resource> [options]
NOTE: Preferably, resource names should be singular as the cli will change to plural as needed.
atlas generate model
Generates the model, interface, and basic database interactions files for a mongodb model.
$ atlas generate model <name> [options]
- name: name of the model
- --fields, -f: a list of fields with their respective types e.g. name=string,toys=[]srting (this flag can be used repeatedly instead of being comma separated e.g. -f name=string -f toys=[]string)
atlas generate router
Generates the files for an express router along with it's controller.
$ atlas generate router <name> [options]
- name: name of the router
atlas generate route
Populates the router and controller files with the given route information.
$ atlas generate route [options]
- --router, -r: the name of the router to which this route is associated
- --method, -m: HTTP method for the route e.g. get, post, etc
- --url, -u: the route's endpoint
- --controller, -c: the name of the controller function associated with this route e.g. index, show, delete, etc
atlas version
Prints Atlas' version to the terminal
$ atlas version
Apache License 2.0. see LICENSE