A utility to assist in creating Excel spreadsheets in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications using the OpenXML library. This utility allows you to export collections of .NET Objects to Excel by simply adding metadata information regarding the desired column formats, title etc. Allowing quick & consistent excel exports, without the hassle of trying to understand the OpenXML format
This project depends on the DocumentFormat.OpenXml NuGet package provided by the Microsoft team. It is a MIT licensed library.
Standard installation via NuGet Package Manager
Install-Package ICG.NetCore.Utilities.Spreadsheet
To setup the needed dependency injection items for this library, add the following line in your DI setup.
Exporting a single collection to a single excel file can be done very simply.
var exportGenerator = provider.GetService<ISpreadsheetGenerator>();
var exportDefinition = new SpreadsheetConfiguration<SimpleExportData>
RenderTitle = true,
DocumentTitle = "Sample Export of 100 Records",
RenderSubTitle = true,
DocumentSubTitle = "Showing the full options",
ExportData = GetSampleExportData(100),
WorksheetName = "Sample",
FreezePanes = true
var fileContent = exportGenerator.CreateSingleSheetSpreadsheet(exportDefinition);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("Sample.xlsx", fileContent);
A streamlined fluent syntax is available to export multiple sheets of content.
var multiSheetDefinition = new MultisheetConfiguration()
.WithSheet("Sheet 1", GetSampleExportData(100))
.WithSheet("Additional Sheet", GetSampleExportData(500), config =>
config.DocumentTitle = "Lots of data";
config.RenderTitle = true;
var multiFileContent = exportGenerator.CreateMultiSheetSpreadsheet(multiSheetDefinition);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("Sample-Multi.xlsx", multiFileContent);
This package is primarily geared towards the exporting of lists of objects into excel sheets. The following key features are supported.
- The ability to have one, or more, sheets of data exported
- The ability to have a heading and subheading if desired
- Data type formatting for Date & Currency fields
- Auto-fit of all columns for display
- The ability to freeze the header columns into a freeze pane for single sheet, or multi-sheet exports
- Support for Curreny, Date, F0, F1, and F2 fixed date formats