Searchable stylable select component for VueJS. This component is
so you can style it howyou
need to!
- Renderless
- Single and multiple mode
- Filtering
- Disabling options
- Keyboard navigation
- v-model and vuex support
- No dependencies
Read documentation with examples.
npm install ss-select
yarn add ss-select
Pull ss-select components in
import { SsSelect, SsSelectToggle, SsSelectOption, SsSelectSearchInput } from 'ss-select'
components: { SsSelect, SsSelectToggle, SsSelectOption, SsSelectSearchInput }
Basic usage:
<!-- ss-select is the root component. Give it your options and a unique key to track them by. -->
<ss-select v-model="model" :options="options" track-by="id" search-by="name" class="relative">
<!-- Then create a div so you can resolve data and methods you need from slot scope -->
<div slot-scope="{ selectedOption, isOpen, $get }">
<!-- toggle component opens and closes the dropdown -->
{{ $get(selectedOption, 'name') || 'Select a car' }}
<!-- Create a div to display options -->
<div v-show="isOpen" class="absolute min-w-full z-10">
<!-- search input component is used to filter options -->
<!-- Be sure to provide search-by prop that will be the key to filter options by -->
<ss-select-search-input placeholder="Search cars"></ss-select-search-input>
<!-- Here go options -->
<ss-select-option v-for="(option, index) in options"
{{ }}