Control 2 LED Strips (WS2812B) with a NodeMCU over WIFI with dynamic IP discovery.
Create a header file deviceconfig.h
in the root directory.
If those defines are not present you will get a compiler error.
#define DEVICE_NAME "LED Controller living room"
#define DEVICE_TYPE "ledv1"
#define STAPSK "myWifiPassword"
#define NUM_LEDS 46
#define NUM_LEDS2 37
#define DATA_PIN D1
#define DATA_PIN2 D2
Send "getIoTs"
as ASCII bytes to the broadcast address via UDP on port 4301.
udpSocket.send(ascii.encode("getIoTs"), IPAdress(""), 4301);
The device will answer with:
"N","A","M","E",<name len>,"L","E","D"," ","C","o","n","t","r","o","l","l","e","r", ...
"T","Y","P",<type len>,"l","e","d","v","1"
... in binary.
Connect to the device via TCP at Port 4300.
tcpSocket = await Socket.connect(IPAdress(""), 4300);
returns the current state as JSON
0: uncorrected
1: tungsten 40W
2: tungsten 100W
3: halogen
4: carbon arc
5: high noon sun
6: direct sun
7: overcast
8: clear blue sky
0: uncorrected
1: typical LED strip
2: typical pixel string
"iotstate": {
"c1": [0, 255, 226],
"c2": [0, 0, 0],
"mode": 3,
"direction": 1,
"speed": 1,
"cc": 2,
"temp": 1,
"brightness": 255