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A console script for Starsector

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Old versions of Better Colonies' AddAdminBC command can cause errors with this mod. It's a known issue and the only way around it would be to edit the AddAdminBC commands code. This post explains how to achieve it:

This mod benefits mostly users that have Grand or Adjusted sector mods.

  1. Explore [all] [exclude/include] [hazard] [gate] [stableloc] [jumppoint] [planets] [conditions]
    Searches all star systems for specified conditions:
    all - write all to search even planets you haven't surveyed yet (default doesn’t search, if searched, sets survey level to full);
    exclude/include - write exclude/includeexclude or include systems in the Core world and claimed systems (default: exclude)
    planets - the minimum number of planets a system must include (default: planets=1)
    gate - write gate to filter by systems that have a gate;
    stableloc - write stableloc=NUMBER to filter by stable locations (default 0);
    jumppoint - same as stableloc (default 0);
    hazard - write hazard=NUMBER to filter by systems which planets are below or equal to the specified value (doesn’t filter by default);
    [conditions] - a comma-separated, no-space list of planetary conditions that must be met (supports * as a wildcard), e.g.: \[habitable=2,rare_ore*=1,*abundant=1] at least TWO habitable planets and ONE with transplutonic ore and one with ore/transplutonic ore that is abundant.

    Example: Explore all exclude planets=5 [habitable=2] gate

  2. SystemInRange <entity>[entity] [LY] [planets]
    Finds systems in specified range (integer) of an entity (coronal_tap, derelict_cryosleeper, inactive_gate):
    if two entities are listed coronal_tap,cryosleeper, a table will be shown at the end listing systems within range of both;
    LY - distance in light years (default is 10);
    planets - filters by number of planets

    Example: SystemInRange coronal_tap,cryosleeper 10


  • filter by stable locations/jump points
  • filter by inactive gates
  • filter by planet type