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Connect to and API, paginate and download the result to file or database


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Fingrid API Client .github/workflows/etlinrunner.yml Run pytest tests Dependency review

This repository provides a simple Python script to call the Fingrid REST API using the dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client package. It demonstrates how to set up authentication, handle pagination, and log the responses.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

What it does

The script will:

  • Load configuration variables from the .env file.
  • Connect to the Fingrid API using the provided credentials.
  • Fetch paginated data from the API endpoint /api/datasets/285/data.
  • Log the API responses to the console.

Code Overview

The main script consists of the following functions:

  • load_conf(): Loads API configuration from the .env file.
  • connect_to_api(API_URL, API_KEYAUTH, API_SECRET): Sets up the RESTClient with API key authentication and a page number paginator.
  • fingrid_dataset_285(client: RESTClient): Fetches data from the API and logs the responses.
  • main(): Main entry point of the script, orchestrating the loading of configuration, connecting to the API, and downloading data.


Clone or download this sample's repository, and open the api-elt folder in Visual Studio Code or your preferred editor.

Get your key

This sample uses data from Fingrid, subscribe and get your key from Fingrid

Running the sample

Testing locally

  1. Create a .env file, this file should contain the following:

    API_SECRET=(yoursecret from the FINGRID website)
  2. Create a Python virtual environment and activate it. You can name the environment .venv for example:

    python -m venv .venv

    This name .venv keeps the directory typically hidden in your shell and thus out of the way while giving it a name that explains why the directory exists. Activate it following the instructions from the link.

    NOTE: If you decide to call your virtual environment something else than .venv you need to update the value of the variable azureFunctions.pythonVenv to yourname in the .vscode/settings.json file.

  3. Run the command below to install the necessary requirements.

    python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Execute

  5. Execute as Github Action

To execute this code in a GitHub Actions runner, you can create a workflow file in your repository, see .github/workflows/etlinrunner.yml. You can see the executions also from this repository.

Note: As a GitHub action, the execution will create a duckdb file that will be created in the runner, after the runner finishes you will loose the file. You can add Python/DuckdDB code to create that file in Cloud Storage like Azure Data Lake, S3, etc. You will need to deal with authentication.

Incremental load

Now it has support for incremental load, as you can see in this code:

def get_data(
    client: RESTClient,
        "startTime", initial_value=get_todays_date_twohours_ago(), last_value_func=max
    ),  # Add the use of dlt.sources.incremental
    # This enables incremental loading
    # The initial value is the current date and time two hours ago
    # And then it will automatically remember the last value

The first time it starts to load from the current time minus two hours. Then it will set the watermark to the last record loaded. After that only two delta or incremental will happen, everything handled for your automatically.

Checking the loads

You can run this command:

duckdb fingrid_pipeline_dataset_285.duckdb

You will enter the DuckDB prompt, then execute the different sql statements:

 select * from fingrid_dataset_285.get_data;
│ dataset_id │        start_time        │         end_time         │  value  │    _dlt_load_id    │    _dlt_id     │
│   int64    │ timestamp with time zone │ timestamp with time zone │ double  │      varchar       │    varchar     │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 18:30:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 18:45:00+03   │ 7344.87 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ ONxkQ/7htjAyLw │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 18:15:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 18:30:00+03   │ 7328.06 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ VaMdhU9TnXFanA │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 18:00:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 18:15:00+03   │ 7377.55 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ aL2dod+gbSHopw │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 17:45:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 18:00:00+03   │  7297.2 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ +1MHPgU2onPYoQ │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 17:30:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 17:45:00+03   │ 7258.52 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ Uo2qq66VwJmmRQ │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 17:15:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 17:30:00+03   │ 7380.26 │ 1716653382.9283059 │ lXwFJcTr9lnqWQ │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 20:30:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 20:45:00+03   │ 7030.78 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ ALh5osQYJ1EuaQ │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 20:15:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 20:30:00+03   │ 6979.95 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ Hpx71+1c6E1u4Q │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 20:00:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 20:15:00+03   │ 7050.27 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ /DEYqg2PubVO2g │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 19:45:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 20:00:00+03   │ 7109.54 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ 0xPAcUmSVdlpFA │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 19:30:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 19:45:00+03   │  7145.4 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ x2Icixjf98GnKA │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 19:15:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 19:30:00+03   │ 7132.35 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ HyqCdz90sd/PtA │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 19:00:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 19:15:00+03   │ 7237.78 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ 0axTFaX8NE0Hcw │
│         285 │ 2024-05-25 18:45:00+03   │ 2024-05-25 19:00:00+03   │ 7363.15 │ 1716660587.4837272 │ nVGm0Pz1E7Ab1w │
│ 14 rows                                                                                                6 columns │

You can see in column _dlt_load_id two values, because I executed the load, then waited some hours and loaded again, where it fetched delta records. The delta records start in line 7 where_dlt_load_id changes to 1716660587.483727.

There is also metada available,execute the following command:

select * from fingrid_dataset_285._dlt_loads;
│      load_id       │         schema_name         │ status │          inserted_at          │             schema_version_hash              │
│      varchar       │           varchar           │ int64  │   timestamp with time zone    │                   varchar                    │
│ 1716653382.9283059 │ fingrid_pipeline_dataset_285 │      0 │ 2024-05-25 19:10:09.155099+03 │ QdD7VXojMsfePT3mgQTCDKRxUjOqAwIWYyqHPd7BrMI= │
│ 1716660587.4837272 │ fingrid_pipeline_dataset_285 │      0 │ 2024-05-25 21:10:53.835926+03 │ QdD7VXojMsfePT3mgQTCDKRxUjOqAwIWYyqHPd7BrMI= │

Expected output

You will set something like this:

INFO:__main__:Loading configuration from .env file.
INFO:__main__:Connecting to API.
INFO:__main__:This is the base API URL:
INFO:__main__:Downloading data from API (paginated)
INFO:__main__:get_data started
PageNumberPaginator at 106cac8d0: current page: 1 page_param: page total_path: None maximum_value: 3
INFO:__main__:Page: {"data":[{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T11:30:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T11:45:00.000Z","value":8605.22},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T11:15:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T11:30:00.000Z","value":8571.6},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T11:00:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T11:15:00.000Z","value":8560.6},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T10:45:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T11:00:00.000Z","value":8601.05},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T10:30:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T10:45:00.000Z","value":8557.35},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T10:15:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T10:30:00.000Z","value":8584.12},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T10:00:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T10:15:00.000Z","value":8493.69},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T09:45:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T10:00:00.000Z","value":8604.88},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T09:30:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T09:45:00.000Z","value":8595.3},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T09:15:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T09:30:00.000Z","value":8632.03}],"pagination":{"total":117368,"lastPage":11737,"prevPage":null,"nextPage":2,"perPage":10,"currentPage":1,"from":0,"to":10}}
INFO:__main__:Page: {"data":[{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T09:00:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T09:15:00.000Z","value":8706.88},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T08:45:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T09:00:00.000Z","value":8525.9},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T08:30:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T08:45:00.000Z","value":8510.69},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T08:15:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T08:30:00.000Z","value":8650.32},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T08:00:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T08:15:00.000Z","value":8834.53},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T07:45:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T08:00:00.000Z","value":9017.7},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T07:30:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T07:45:00.000Z","value":8954.67},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T07:15:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T07:30:00.000Z","value":8949.2},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T07:00:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T07:15:00.000Z","value":8921.84},{"datasetId":285,"startTime":"2024-05-18T06:45:00.000Z","endTime":"2024-05-18T07:00:00.000Z","value":8884.13}],"pagination":{"perPage":10,"currentPage":2,"from":10,"to":20}}


You can run this in Azure Batch, and trigger via Data Factory.


Connect to and API, paginate and download the result to file or database







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