Alfresco Database Queries Report is a Spring-Boot application developed to run a set of pre-defined database queries against Alfresco Content Services application. The following reports can be generated:
- Identify Database Size
- Identify Large Folders
- Identify Large Transactions
- Access Control Lists
- Content Model Properties
- List Nodes by MimeType and Disk Space (also by month)
- List Nodes by Contet Store
- List Nodes by Content Type
- List Site Activities
- List Workflows and Tasks
- Archived Nodes
- Authorities count
- JMX changes
- Export Report
Works with PostgreSQL, MySQL databases. Future releases will be compatible with Oracle and MS-SQL databases too.
Alresco DB Queries project requires Maven and java JDK to build. The build process generates a jar file that can be executed as a stand-alone application.
The steps to build the application are:
- Download the application -
- Unzip it
- Rename folder to "alfresco-db-queries"
- Adjust alfresco-db-queries/src/main/resources/ file
- Set database details
- Set port for web server
- Compile and build application
The build is based on Maven profiles. The available profiles are:
- postgresql
- mysql
- mssql
- oracle
To compile
cd alfresco-db-queries
mvn compile install -P<profile>
If you need to use Oracle Driver, due to Oracle license restriction, there are no public repositories that provide ojdbc jar so you need to install manually (just once) before compiling
$ cd alfresco-db-queries
$ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=./lib/ojdbc6.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar
$ mvn compile install -Poracle
The generated jar file should be located in the target folder i.e. target/alfresco-db-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar.
The application specific parameters:
Parameter | default | Meaning |
db.queries.is_enterprise_version | true | Boolean. To specify if you are using ACS Enterprise or Community |
db.queries.largeFolderSizeThreshold | 1000 | The max number of direct children a folder can have to not be considered "Large" |
db.queries.largeTransactionSizeThreshold | 10000 | The max amount of nodes that a transaction can modified to not be considered "Large" |
db.queries.reportExportType | json | Enum. Possible types: json, csv. The export format |
db.queries.reportExportFolder=./export | ./export | Path. The path where to export the files |
Remember to set also the spring parameters about DB and server port as well
Copy the file to the same folder as the jar file and execute the jar file:
$ cd target
$ java --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED -jar alfresco-db-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
Finally connect to the running application on http://localhost:8888 or the port specified by "server.port" parameter in
Note : When providing the application to other parties make sure you provide both the jar file and the file.
- Home Page
- Database Size Report
This project has been developed with a number of open source projects such as:
- Built using Maven
- Developed using Spring-Boot (
- Using mybatis for SQL mapping
- Using Thymeleaf server-side Java template engine for manipulating object on HTML pages (
- Using Bootstrap for Front-End Web development (
- Datatables for table formatting (
- Write additional queries
- Testing, testing and more testing