This repo contains the content of the Bitleaf blog. Everyone is welcome to add new or improve existing content.
1. Login with your Github account (or create an account).
2. Above, you see a list of files and folders. Click on the folder _posts and select the post you would like to edit.
3. Press the pen symbol on the top right of the content:
4. Do your edits. Use the preview tab to see the result.
5. When you are finished, scroll down to the very bottom of the page. Just below commit changes, provide a short description of your changes. Finally, click on propose file change.
That's all! At that point I have already been notified about your suggestions for review.
If I am happy with your edits, I'll merge it and your changes will immediately be public on the blog. If I am not super happy, I might ask you for further improvements on your suggestion.
If you want this project to get better, support me with a few cents:
For this work, the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license applies. Any contributions are assumed to be licensed under the same license.