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First experiment on a new approach to especialize.
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Matafou committed Dec 4, 2024
1 parent 1aa8bb5 commit fa985c3
Showing 1 changed file with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions LibHyps/LibEspecialize.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
Require Import Arith.
(* The tactics in this file use the folowing pattern, that consists in
refining a new evar goal until being in the right scope to prove
the premise. *)
Lemma foo: forall x y : nat, (forall n m p :nat, n < m -> n <= m -> p > 0 -> False) -> False.
intros x y H.
(* On veut prouver le n <= m comme conséquence du n < m dans H. *)
(* On crée un but dont le type n'est pas connu, et on raffine pour
être dans le bon environnement. *)
let ev := open_constr:(_) in
assert (ev) as h.
{ refine (fun (n m p:nat) (h:n < m) => _).
assert(n <= m) as hhyp.
{ now apply Nat.lt_le_incl. }
exact(H n m p h hhyp). }
(* Voilà! *)

(* Describing how each arg of a hypothesis must be treated: either
requantify it, or evarize it, or requantify but don't use it in
premise proofs (not sure this is needed). We don't use list for
cosmetic reasons: no need for nil (since the list is non empty),
and avoid using lists. *)
Inductive spec_args : Type :=
ConsQuantif: spec_args -> spec_args
| ConsEvar: spec_args -> spec_args
| ConsIgnore: spec_args -> spec_args
| ConsSubGoal: spec_args -> spec_args
| SubGoalEnd: spec_args.

(* List storing heterogenous terms, for storing (tele(scopes). A
simple product could also be used. *)
Inductive Depl :=
| DNil: Depl
| DCons: forall (A:Type) (x:A), Depl -> Depl.

Declare Scope specialize_scope.
Delimit Scope specialize_scope with spec.
Local Open Scope specialize_scope.

(* builds the application of c to each element of l (in reversed
order). apply t [t1;t2;t3] => (t t3 t2 t1) *)
Ltac list_apply c l :=
match l with
DNil => c
| DCons _ ?x ?l' =>
let inside := list_apply c l' in
let res := constr:(ltac:(exact (inside x))) in

(* - We start from a goal evar EV with no typing constraint.
h: forall x y z, P x -> ...
subgoal 2
h: forall x y z, P x -> ...
old goal
- We refine is to have the same products at head than h, until we
reach the aimed hypothesis
h: P x -> ...
x: ... y: ... z: ...
- then we do 2 things
- create a goal USERGOAL for this hyp
- conclude EV (and fix its type) by applying h to USERGOAL
subgoal 1
x: ... y: ... z: ...
P x
subgoal 2:
h: forall x y z, P x -> ...
hEV: forall x y z, ...
old goal
Refines a non specified goal (an evar) to prove the specialized
version of h. The idea is to use (fun x y z => (?ev x y z)) as the
argument being instnaciated, where ?ev will be the new goal
larg is the specidication of what to do with each arg, larg2 is the
accumulator *)
Ltac refine_hd h largs largs2 :=
match largs with
| SubGoalEnd => match type of h with
| (forall x:?t, _) =>
let h' := fresh h in
(* create the user subgoal *)
assert(t) as h'
;[ clear h
| exact (h h')
(*let res := list_apply h' largs2 in
exact (h res) *) ]
| ConsQuantif ?largs' =>
match type of h with
| (forall x:?t, _) =>
(* let y:= fresh x in *)
(* intro y; *)
refine (fun x: t => _);
specialize (h x);
refine_hd h largs' constr:(DCons _ x largs2)
| ConsEvar ?largs' =>
match type of h with
| (forall x:?t, _) =>
(* morally this evar is of type t, don't know how to enforce this
without having an ugly cast in goals *)
let ev1 := open_constr:(_:t) in
refine (let x:= ev1 in _);
specialize (h x);
subst x;
refine_hd h largs' largs2
| ConsSubGoal?largs' => match type of h with
| (forall x:?t, _) =>
let h' := fresh h in
(* create the user subgoal *)
assert(t) as h'
;[ clear h
| exact (h h')
(*let res := list_apply h' largs2 in
exact (h res) *) ]

(* Precondition: name is already fresh *)
Global Ltac espec_gen H l name :=
(* let l := eval cbn [spec_interp] in (spec_interp args) in *)
(* let h := fresh name in *)
(* morally this evar is of type Type, don't know how to enforce this
without having an ugly cast in goals *)
let ev1 := open_constr:(_) in
assert ev1 as name
; [
(refine_hd H l DNil)
| ].

Global Ltac especialize_clear H args :=
let temp := fresh H "temp" in
espec_gen H args temp;
[ | clear H;
idtac "ICI: " temp;
rename temp into H ].

Global Ltac especialize_autoname H args :=
let name := fresh H "_inst" in
espec_gen H args name.

Global Ltac especialize_clear_autoname H args :=
let name := fresh H "_inst" in
especialize_autoname H args name.

Module SpecNotation.
(* Notation "![ ]!" := DNil (format "![ ]!") : specialize_scope. *)
(* Notation "![ x ]!" := (DCons _ x nil) : specialize_scope. *)
(* Notation "![ x ; y ; .. ; z ]!" := *)
(* (DCons _ x (DCons _ y .. (DCons _ z DNil) ..)) *)
(* (format "![ '[' x ; '/' y ; '/' .. ; '/' z ']' ]!") : specialize_scope. *)
Notation "! X" := (ConsQuantif X) (at level 100) : specialize_scope.
Notation "? X" := (ConsEvar X) (at level 100) : specialize_scope.
Notation "# X" := (ConsSubGoal X) (at level 100) : specialize_scope.
Notation "#" := (SubGoalEnd) (at level 100) : specialize_scope.
Module SpecNotation.

Tactic Notation "especialize" constr(H) "at" constr(specarg) "as" ident(idH) :=
espec_gen H specarg idH.
Tactic Notation "especialize" constr(specarg) "as" constr(H) "at" ident(idH) :=
espec_gen H specarg idH.

Tactic Notation "especialize" constr(H) "at" constr(specarg) :=
especialize_clear H specarg.

Definition eq_one (i:nat) := i = 1.

Lemma test_espec: forall x:nat, (forall y:nat,eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x=0 -> False) -> True.
intros x h_eqone.
(* let nme := fresh_robust H "hh" "def" in idtac nme.Definition *)

especialize h_eqone at (?#) as newH.
[ admit | ]. match type of newH with (eq_one 2 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False) => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with forall y : nat, eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end].
especialize h_eqone at (!!#) as newH;
[ admit | match type of newH with (forall y : nat, eq_one 2 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False) => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with forall y : nat, eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end].
especialize h_eqone at (!#) as newH
;[ admit
| match type of newH with forall y : nat, eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with forall y : nat, eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end].

especialize h_eqone at (!!!#) as newH;
[ admit | match type of newH with nat -> eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with forall y : nat, eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one y -> x = 0 -> False => idtac end].

Lemma test_espec: (eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False) -> True.
intros h_eqone.

(* let nme := fresh_robust H "hh" "def" in idtac nme.Definition *)
pose (c:= !!?#).
pose (c:= !!?#!#).
especialize h_eqone at (!#) as newH;
[ admit | match type of newH with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end].
especialize h_eqone at (?) as newH
;[ admit
| match type of newH with eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end].

especialize h_eqone at (!!#) as newH;
[ admit | match type of newH with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> False => idtac end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end].

especialize (let x:=Nat.le_antisymm in x) at 2 as hhh;
[ admit | match type of hhh with _ <= _ -> _ = _ => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end ].

especialize (let x:=Nat.le_antisymm in x)as hhh at 2;
[ admit | match type of hhh with _ <= _ -> _ = _ => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end ].

especialize h_eqone at 2;
[ admit | match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac end].

especialize (let x:=Nat.le_antisymm in x) at 2;
[ admit | match goal with |- (_ <= _ -> _ = _) -> True => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end ].

especialize h_eqone as ? at 2;
[ admit | match type of h_eqone_spec with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end].
especialize h_eqone at 2 as ? ;
[ admit | match type of h_eqone_spec with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end].

especialize (let x:=Nat.le_antisymm in x) as ? at 2;
[ admit | match type of H_spec with _ <= _ -> _ = _ => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end].

especialize (let x:=Nat.le_antisymm in x) at 2 as ? ;
[ admit | match type of H_spec with _ <= _ -> _ = _ => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end;
match type of h_eqone with eq_one 2 -> eq_one 3 -> eq_one 1 -> False => idtac | _ => fail "Test failed!" end].

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