Use Python and A.I. to program your own autonomous vehicles! 🚗 🚁
All MasterAI devices use this library (libauto
). For example, the AutoAuto car below:
If you are a beginner, you will first want to follow along through the lessons on AutoAuto Labs. After you leveled-up through the beginner and intermediate lessons, you can come back here to explore this library more fully.
If you are an advanced programmer, you are welcome to dive right in! This library is already installed on your MasterAI device. Have a look at the section Connecting to Your Device and the section Examples, then you will be off-to-the-races! 🏃
The library is segmented into four packages:
auto: The core package. Contains the critical components for every MasterAI device, such as the camera interface and the Machine Learning (ML) models.
cio: A package whose only job is to talk to the on-board microcontroller. The name
is short for "controller input/output". It is pluggable and can support multiple backends. -
cui: A package whose only job is to run the console application on the device's LCD screen. The name
is short for "console UI". It is pluggable and can support multiple backends. -
car: The
package contains helper functions for the AutoAuto cars.
. If you look at the implementations of these helper functions, you find they use theauto
package under the hood (pun intended).
Here are the ways you can connect to your device:
SSH: SSH'ing into your device is the quickest way to gain privileged access (i.e. to get
powers; remember Uncle Ben's words). You can log in to the device with the usernamehacker
. You must obtain your device's default password from AutoAuto Labs (from the "My Devices" page, you can view your device's "Info for Advanced Users"). Every device has a different default system password. You are encouraged to change your device's system password (using the usualpasswd
command). -
Jupyter: Every device runs a Jupyter Notebook server on port 8888. You must obtain the password for Jupyter from AutoAuto Labs (from the "My Devices" page, you can view your device's "Info for Advanced Users"). Every device has a different Jupyter password. Note the Jupyter server does not run as a privileged user; if you need privileged access, you must log into the device as the
. -
AutoAuto Labs: AutoAuto Labs offers a simple editor where you can write and run programs. It is pleasant to use, but it is only good for short and simple programs.
Note: Only applicable to AutoAuto cars, not other devices.
import car
# Each line below defaults to driving for 1 second (results in, 4 seconds total driving).
# You can also specify the duration (in seconds), for example:
Many MasterAI devices are equipped with an LCD screen which runs a console application. You can print your own text to the console, example below:
from auto import console
console.print("Hi, friend!")
console.print("How are you?")
The car
package also has a print function which prints to stdout
and to the
console. (For those who use the car
package, this is convenient.)
import car
car.print("Hi, friend!")
car.print("How are you?")
Capture a single frame:
import car
frame = car.capture(), to_console=True, to_labs=True)
Note: The car.capture()
functions are convenience functions. They use the auto
package internally. E.g. The following code uses the next-layer-down interfaces to capture frames continuously.
from import global_camera
from auto.frame_streamer import stream
camera = global_camera()
for frame in
# <process frame here>
stream(frame, to_console=True, to_labs=True)
You can clear the frame from the console like this:
import car, to_console=True, to_labs=True)
# --or--
from auto.frame_streamer import stream
stream(None, to_console=True, to_labs=True)
import car
while True:
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
car.detect_faces(frame), to_labs=True, verbose=False)
The lower-level class-based interface for the face detector can be found in auto.models.FaceDetector
. The face detector uses OpenCV under the hood.
We call this the "pedestrian detector" in the context of an AutoAuto car.
import car
while True:
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
car.detect_pedestrians(frame), to_labs=True, verbose=False)
The lower-level class-based interface for the people detector can be found in auto.models.PedestrianDetector
. The people detector uses OpenCV under the hood.
import car
while True:
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
car.detect_stop_signs(frame), to_labs=True, verbose=False)
The lower-level class-based interface for the stop sign detector can be found in auto.models.StopSignDetector
. The stop sign detector uses OpenCV under the hood.
The following works with the returned value from:
(shown in example below)car.detect_pedestrians()
import car
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
rectangles = car.detect_faces(frame), to_labs=True, verbose=False)
location = car.object_location(rectangles, frame.shape, verbose=False)
size = car.object_size(rectangles, frame.shape, verbose=False)
car.print("Object location:", location)
car.print("Object size:", size)
In the example below, we will use OpenCV to do edge-detection using the Canny edge filter.
import cv2
import car
print("OpenCV version:", cv2.__version__)
while True:
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
frame_edges = cv2.Canny(frame_gray, 100, 200), to_labs=True, verbose=False)
import car
frame = car.capture()
color = car.classify_color(frame), to_labs=True)
car.print("The detected color is", color)
The lower-level class-based interface for the color classifier can be found in auto.models.ColorClassifier
import car
from auto.qrcode import qr_scan
while True:
frame = car.capture(verbose=False)
car.plot(frame, verbose=False)
qr = qr_scan(frame)
if qr:
Note: Only applicable to AutoAuto cars, not other devices.
from car.motors import set_steering
import time
for angle in range(-45, 46): # goes from -45 to +45
for angle in range(45, -46, -1): # goes from +45 to -45
set_steering(0.0) # STRAIGHT
Important Note: The call to set_steering()
is asynchronous; that is, the function returns immediately, very likely before the wheels have actually had a chance to fully turn to the desired angle! Furthermore, the call only "lasts" for 1 second, then the angle will automatically revert back to straight. As a result you must call set_steering()
in a loop to keep it active. (This is a safety feature, allowing the car to revert to going straight if your program crashes or if the Pi loses communication with the microcontroller.)
Note: Only applicable to AutoAuto cars, not other devices.
WARNING: You can easily injure the car, yourself, or others by setting the throttle too high. Use this interface with extreme caution. These cars are VERY powerful and very fast.
from car.motors import set_throttle, safe_forward_throttle
import time
throttle = safe_forward_throttle()
print("Safe throttle is:", throttle)
set_throttle(0.0) # Car in NEUTRAL
set_throttle(throttle) # Car moves at safe forward speed
set_throttle(min(100, 2*throttle)) # HALF THROTTLE (DANGER! THIS IS VERY FAST!)
set_throttle(0.0) # Back to NEUTRAL
Important Note: The call to set_throttle()
is asynchronous; that is, the function returns immediately, very likely before the car's speed actually changes! Furthermore, the call only "lasts" for 1 second, then the car will revert back to a throttle of zero. As a result you must call set_throttle()
in a loop to keep it active. (This is a safety feature, allowing the car to automatically STOP if your program crashes or if the Pi loses communication with the microcontroller.)
The helper function car.plot()
will both stream a single frame to your AutoAuto Labs account and it returns a PIL.Image
object, so you can conveniently use it from Jupyter. See the screenshot below:
If your device has extra servo outputs (e.g. Rhobota), you can control them via the auto.servos
from auto.servos import get_servo
import time
servo = get_servo(0) # <-- servo index
# see your device's documentation
for i in range(0, 181):
If your device has RGB LEDs, then you can control them via the auto.leds
The following example works on both Fleet 1 and Fleet 2 AutoAuto cars:
from auto.leds import (
import random
import time
leds = led_map()
while True:
vals = [
(led, random.randint(0, 1))
for led in leds
Fleet 2 AutoAuto cars have RGB LEDs, so you can specify RGB colors for them. Note: The following example only works on devices (like the Fleet 2 AutoAuto car) that have RGB LEDs:
from auto.leds import (
import random
import time
color_vals = [
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), # red
(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), # green
(0.0, 0.0, 1.0), # blue
(1.0, 1.0, 0.0), # yellow
brightnesses = [
*range(5, 255, 5),
*range(255, 5, -5),
leds = led_map()
while True:
rand_colors = random.sample(color_vals, k=len(leds))
vals = list(zip(leds, rand_colors))
for b in brightnesses:
Different MasterAI devices (and different versions of the same device) may have a different set of hardware capabilities. You can ask your device to list its capabilities like this:
from auto.capabilities import list_caps
my_capabilities = list_caps()
You can get instantaneous measurements from the gyroscope like this:
import car
from car import gyro
from car import motors
while True:
x, y, z =
string_vals = [
for v in (x, y, z)
print(', '.join(string_vals))
Or you can get accumulated (or integrated, if you prefer) measurements like this (which is likely what you actually want):
import car
from car import gyro
from car import motors
while True:
x, y, z = gyro.read_accum()
string_vals = [
for v in (x, y, z)
print(', '.join(string_vals))
import car
from car import accel
from car import motors
while True:
x, y, z =
string_vals = [
for v in (x, y, z)
print(', '.join(string_vals))
The car
package has two helper functions:
import car'!V10 O4 L16 c e g >c8')
See Buzzer Language to learn how to write notes as a string that the buzzer can interpret and play.
You can use the photoresistor as a very simple ambient light detector. The photoresistor's resistance changes based on the amount of light hitting it.
import car
from car import photoresistor
import time
for i in range(100):
millivolts, resistance =
The program above prints the resistance of the photoresistor (in Ohms). You can play around with where a good threshold is for your application, and you can quickly see the value change by simply covering the light with your hand or by shining a flashlight at it.
import car
from car import buttons
car.print("""Press the buttons, and you'll see the
events being printed below:""")
while True:
button, action = buttons.wait_for_action('any')
car.print("The {}th button was {}.".format(button, action))
from auto.capabilities import list_caps, acquire, release
power = acquire('Power')
millivolts = power.millivolts()
percentage, minutes = power.estimate_remaining(millivolts)
print('The power voltage is {} millivolts.'.format(millivolts))
print('It is at ~{}% and will last for ~{} more minutes.'.format(minutes, percentage))
Note: There's a background task that will monitor the battery voltage for you and will buzz the buzzer when the battery gets to 5% or lower.
Some devices have motor encoders to track how many "clicks" the motor has rotated.
import car
from car import enc
N = enc.num_encoders()
car.print(f'This device has {N} encoders.')
for i in range(N):
while True:
vals = [
for i in range(N)
car.print(', '.join(vals))
Depending on the device you have, you can run the appropriate calibration script.
Device Name | Calibration Script Name |
AutoAuto Car with v1 Controller | calibrate_car_v1 |
AutoAuto Car with v2 Controller | calibrate_car_v2 |
AutoAuto Car with v3 Controller | calibrate_car_v3 |
The Buzzer Language1 works as follows:
The notes are specified by the characters C, D, E, F, G, A, and B, and they are played by default as quarter notes with a length of 500 ms. This corresponds to a tempo of 120 beats/min. Other durations can be specified by putting a number immediately after the note. For example, C8 specifies C played as an eighth note (i.e. having half the duration of the default quarter note). The special note R plays a rest (no sound). The sequence parser is case-insensitive and ignores spaces, although spaces are encouraged to help with human readability.
Various control characters alter the sound:
Control character(s) | Effect |
A–G | Specifies a note that will be played. |
R | Specifies a rest (no sound for the duration of the note). |
+ or # after a note | Raises the preceding note one half-step. |
- after a note | Lowers the preceding note one half-step. |
1–2000 after a note | Determines the duration of the preceding note. For example, C16 specifies C played as a sixteenth note (1/16th the length of a whole note). |
. after a note | "Dots" the preceding note, increasing the length by 50%. Each additional dot adds half as much as the previous dot, so that "A.." is 1.75 times the length of "A". |
> before a note | Plays the following note one octave higher. |
< before a note | Plays the following note one octave lower. |
O followed by a number | Sets the octave. (default: O4) |
T followed by a number | Sets the tempo in beats per minute (BPM). (default: T120) |
L followed by a number | Sets the default note duration to the type specified by the number: 4 for quarter notes, 8 for eighth notes, 16 for sixteenth notes, etc. (default: L4) |
V followed by a number | Sets the music volume (0–15). (default: V15) |
MS | Sets all subsequent notes to play play staccato – each note is played for 1/2 of its allotted time, followed by an equal period of silence. |
ML | Sets all subsequent notes to play legato – each note is played for full length. This is the default setting. |
! | Resets the octave, tempo, duration, volume, and staccato setting to their default values. These settings persist from one play() to the next, which allows you to more conveniently break up your music into reusable sections. |
- The C-major scale up and back down: "!L16 cdefgab>cbagfedc"
- The first few measures of Bach's fugue in D-minor: "!T240 L8 agafaea dac+adaea fa<aa<bac#a dac#adaea f4"
1: Pololu Corporation developed and holds the copyright for the Buzzer Language and its documentation. Further information about the Buzzer Language's license and copyright can be found in the LICENSE file.