python3 mytextfile.txt
Extracts every phone numbers from a text file and print them as a list. Use regex re.findall(r'\(?0\d{2,3}[)-]?\d{7,8}')
- #(? represents it could find phonenumber with or without Parenthese "(".
- #0\d{2,3} represents Region number 0XX one to two times.
- #[)-? represents it could or could not follow ")"," ","-" after Region number.
- #\d{7,8} represents 7 or 8 digit number.
It could find phone number in format (0XX) 7 or 8 digit number,0XX- 7 or 8 digit number and 0XX 7 or 8 digit number.
python3 [-f][0-9] [file]
- Read the Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf to create a dictionary.
- Convert the Ensembl name to HUGO names in input file.
- "-f[1-9]" means usc the No.n column , in this Unit test file , you should use -f2 to pick the second column.
git clone
the test file expres.anal.csv。
If you want to do this conversion successfully, you should know the right column to use -f[n] and the f-paramter can not be missed.
python3 [-f][0-9] [file]
- Creates a histogram as a png from a csv file using the specified column in a tab delimited file.
- "-f[n] means you should the nth column to draw this histogram.
- The test file is "addresses.csv" and the histogram obtained is "histogram.png"
- Need to install the python library matplotlib:
pip install --user matplotlib
- It is used to handle