Eagleye Version 1.2.0 (ROS1)
Feature Addition
・Support for sensor TF in a "fix2pose" package.
・Added output of eagleye corrected imu data "/imu/data_corrected".
・Supports 3-axis angular velocity correction
・Yawrate consideration
・The reliability of the Fix solution can be output.
・Add nmea2fix
・Position estimation function using RTK.
・Replacement of the geoid model with a highly accurate one
・Add function to switch between ellipsoid height and elevation
・Azimuth correction at low speeds using rtk
・remake a fix2kml package
・add a tf_arrangement package
・add diagnostic -
Bug Fix
・Other multiple bug fixes.
・Change sin, cos and other functions to those of the std library
・Fix a bug that caused NAN to appear during height estimation.
・add NaN guard -
・Adding a sample configuration file for Ublox F9P
・Rename topic
・Some license modifications have been made.
・Change CI(Circle CI to Github Actions)
・merged eagleye_topic.yaml into ealgye_config.yaml.
・Remove redundant expressions in README.md
・colcon support