There are lots of free and premium tools for testers outhere. We cannot learn them all. What you can is to be aware that they exist so when you need a tool you can choose wisely. I believe that it would be good to not only read someone's article or watch video tutorial but also try out the tool yourself to get at least some hands-on experience. That's why I started adding short demos of test automation tools I stumbled upon which looked interesting to me. It also helps me to remember new things and improve my technical skills. Feel free to have a look and ask questions.
py-ec2-jenkins-selenium: Running Selenium web UI Tests on Remote Machine Using Jenkins and AWS EC2 Instance: Beginners Guide.
py-pylenium: Demo Web UI tests created using Pylenium - awesome open source wrapper around the Selenium Webdriver Python API, which provides a more Pythonic interface.
py-seleniumbase: Demo Web UI tests created using open source SeleniumBase framework and Python.
py-tavern-api Demo REST API tests with 30+ examples created using Tavern - open source pytest plugin.